In a rambling voice message on Monday, the country’s minister for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice announced the bizarre new restriction on women’s behaviour.

    5 months ago

    And they don’t wanna.

    I’d kinda love to see a successful approach to these kinds of issues where the UN would do something like drive protected buses into these areas, where the expectation is an unalienable right to enter those buses, with maybe 2/3rds of the seats reserved for women and children.

    I wonder if any realistic iteration of that could work to get a decent number of would-be refugees out of situations they want out of, maybe a few thousand, ideally tens of thousands if not more.

    It sounds like something that maybe could be made to work if communicated right, but could also meet armed resistance in many places, and there would probably be a lot of men making “their” women stay by force or coercion or lying, probably a lot of hiding inside while the buses pass.

    I wonder if it could be done in a way that makes it worth it. It feels like the sort of rescue the UN should be doing.

    It also feels like it really forces evil men to show their hand, reveal themselves explicitly as captors, and make it far easier to justify killing them, as I believe that is the ethical response to men who hold their wife hostage.