Make Free Speech Legal
Yes, monarchism, a political economy renowned for always respecting free speech
Only conclusion: the woman aspires to be a court jester
I think there should be a king,
but also I should be able to call the king a ***** without getting sued for libel
Oh so literally the worst type of person
To be fair they have the good sense to know someone should be in charge of them. Like, you told them they can have a voice in politics and their immediate reaction is that they are not qualified to have any input in how things are run. So I gotta respect the self actualization there.
There’s quite a few monarchist dipshits that fancy themselves the Sigma Male viziers to the monarch.
It’s like every current monarchist. None of them think they will be a serf after monarchy is back, all imagine themselves at least a counts or dukes.
“In the epic Fallouterino style post apocalypse, I will be sitting on a throne of skulls. Surely my skull won’t be part of the throne of skulls.”
Also an obligatory reminder that Khorne don’t care from where the blood flows. Fun fact: in 40k version the only dude who kinda properly worship Khorne is Kharn, and even other chaos guys hate him and call him “The Betrayer” lol.
they don’t even have an incisive enough view of the world or clever enough wit to be an effective court jester
Most modern day pro-monarchists are just fascists tbh
So are most liberals but at least monarchies are whimsical. At it’s face the proposition that the most inbred Germany family will make better choices than congress is not an absurd claim.
That’s funny because the only people I ever saw bemoaning the loss of Iranian bikini girls were the libs getting mad over the Ayatollah
Look at what they took from us!
cw: SA, normal ameritroop shit
if the yanks ever manage to get boots on Iranian soil, all the civilians need to stay faaaaaar away, like even more than usual. There’s going to be amerikkkan r#pe squads roaming the hills
👉👈 but what if I am a removed and communist?
this old school suffragette we have to save the women over there is so closely tied to the terf shit, I hate it
terf shit
she does want to, “make free speech legal again in the
The mind wonders, what does she mean by this
…then again you can already call for trans people to be murdered and nothing happens so…
Hey, do you mind telling me what these screenshots are from? Based purely on the vibes of 5 stills from some (I assume) movie/TV show, I now want to watch it. Unless it’s super extra terrible, but even so I might still enjoy it. So please, UlyssesT, tell me what ridiculous slop you took these images from so that I can watch it!
They’re from the music video for the song “Black Hole Sun” by Soundgarden.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Thanks! I will watch it!
Let me know what you think. It was a cultural marker for its time: boomers were getting inarguably old, were trying to keep younger people out of power, and suburban blight was at its peak.
Well. First of all, it was great and dense, I’m going to need to watch it a few times to understand it.
Second of all, it was creepy as shit. Is it supposed to be scarier than some scary movies I’ve seen? Maybe it’s just that the things it’s meditating on (suburbia and ennui, I think, I bet there’s more) are terrifying to me.
All in all, great song, great music video, I’m going to watch it a few more times before I have a real take on it.
The band claimed that it “didn’t mean anything” but I still think there was some subtext there, perhaps even subconsciously, that speaks of the (very real, and I lived it) ennui and malaise of white affluent culture in the 90s.
The band claimed that it “didn’t mean anything” but I still think there was some subtext there,
Haha, that’s some hilarious bullshit! No one makes meaningless art, come on now! Well, good for them that they made art during “the end of history”, when you could pretend you were making “meaningless” art. Fucking idiots.
But yeah, I’m a little too young to have experienced the ennui of the 90’s, sounds like a whole ass situation. (Although, in some ways, tbqh, living a materially comfortable life where your biggest worry is fucking ennui doesn’t sound so bad. I wish I could rent an apartment to be sad in for a reasonable amount of money, you know?)
Still, the music video was terrifying, so obviously it’s not all fun and games, even if you can afford your basic necessities
e-jihadist is a very funny term with very funny implications
We have e-jihad all the time on Hexbear.
An e-Struggler is basically what most of the userbase here are
Does anybody have a good article link or post on here discussing the whole “photos of Afghan or Iranian women in the 70s” posts?
I googled and scanned articles for ~5 minutes but I got nowhere. In other news - google now actively blocks me from getting what I want.
- Iranian women in the 1970s meme blog
- Iranian women in the 1970s meme blogger
- Iranian women in the 1970s meme wordpress
I only got one top blog result from all of that - and it was shit.
Thanks for the effort comrade.
Well, he did the hard work. I just put the cherry on top with regex and then some tweaking by hand.
Going to post some swedish girls in bikinis and be like, ‘damn, this was Lebanon before Hezbollah’
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