The “brigading” (for lack of a better word) of that Jacobin post really shows just how much the very memory of Che fucks with libs and reactionaries. The man was cool in every sense of the word. Even after he liberated Cuba from a corrupt US-puppet dictatorship, he took the fight to injustice all over the world until the day he died, in Africa and South America in particular. His death at the hands of the US-backed Bolivian dictatorship also had the “unfortunate” side effect of his visage being forever ingrained into the world, even within the US. Him being handsome is just icing on the cake.
So, they have to smear him in the wildest ways in an attempt to tear that down in bad faith. It also shows whenever they make up stuff about Che’s attitudes/actions with regard to black and LGBT people, the former of which is especially hilarious because Che was tearing into the US’s injustice and hypocrisy for its own treatment of African Americans at the time.
Lol a bunch of chuds were mad about Motorcycle Diaries getting awards in the west because it’s about young Che’s journey of self discovery back when he was still Ernesto Guevara, a medical student who wanted to help lepers and the indigenous poor
Stay mad, chuds, our heroes are cooler than yours
As a young movie nerd, I found Roger Ebert’s seething review of it very weird in tone. I think reading that was an important nucleator for leftism in me, as it made me suspicious of the emotional motivations that the older generations had when they explained communism to me.
this is a wild take
Those Young Men Grew Up, etc. It’s a convenient formula, because it saves you the trouble of dealing with who they became.
It belongs to the dead-end literary genre in which youthful adventures are described, and then “…that young man grew up to be (Benjamin Franklin, Einstein, Rod Stewart, etc).”
“Che liberating Cuba is as bad as bfrank womanising and leading a settler colonial project, berty einy developing atomic weapons to drop on civilian targets, and rodstew being the elvis of motown”
Parenti wrote in Blackshirts and Reds about how even Miami gusanos thought Che didn’t kill anyone who didn’t deserve it, so I doubt he was machine gunning children.
no, no. i read on twitter he loved killing children. he always did it personally and then said a cool one liner afterwards. what a monster.
he sayd “hasta la vista, baby” (bc it was a baby he killed, so he sad that to himn, the baby
They’re not even going to try to have a source for this claim, are they?
Have you considered ⁵United States Department of State?
“It came to me in a dream”
Source: they saw it in a PragerU video
They brought a gusano on to talk about it so you know it’s legit
Source of article a: article b
Source of article b: Wikipedia
Source of Wikipedia: article a
Fuck the westerners and their propaganda. Even liberals in the global south view Che positively.
Everyone in tge global South does
As for Castro
In rammalah there’s a street named after him
Even chuds in Turkiye view him positively
Source? Just vibes
The difference between capitalists and communists is that communists don’t have to lie.
Ty ty
Anti-Communists can only lie and arguing with them about the validity of their claims only results in snappy zingers and name calling. Had it happen recently over the argument that Castro hoarded all the wealth in Cuba. Only got snark and stupid names in response when pressing them for a source.
All western anticommunist historiography is based on fabrication
that’s not entirely true!
A lot of it is also projection
it’s very simple actually
Every death under communism is a horrific tragedy and palestinians arent peopleunlimited genocide on the hypocrites of the western world
If I remember right: Jon Lee Anderson’s biography of Guevara says he only killed three people in criminal executions. One was a man stealing food from a village, one was a traitor who was giving information to Batista’s soldiers, and I don’t remember the third but I doubt it was a 12 year old boy considering the other two were actual serious criminals.
Its an anecdote with no source
“ Several men who survived La Cabana prison recall a night when a 14-year-old boy was shoved into their holding cell. When asked what he did, he gasped that he had tried to defend his father from the firing squad, but was unsuccessful.
Moments later, guards dragged the boy out of the cell, and Che Guevara himself ordered the boy to kneel down.
The jailed men screamed “assassins!” and watched out of their cell window as Guevara took out his pistol, put the barrel to the back of the boy’s neck, and fired.”
This was the first time it was “reported” and in 2008. No source used. Every article that quotes this uses the article as citation.
Lmao projection as usual. Che didn’t kill any kids
One time a coworker was telling another coworker about Che and what all he did, when one of the guys at the shelter, an older Cuban dude, gets all up in arms about how “Che is a murderer! He is a murderer!”
Like my dude, you are living in a shitty American homeless shelter surrounded by poverty and suffering, and you’re still gonna be anti-communist?
tbf to Bizarro-Che all 12 year olds are counter-revolutionary
“Tiny, little Hitlers” paraphrasing that one Donald Glover standup.
anyway, nice occasion to share this gem
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: