Welcome to the fourth writing club update! See previous writing clubs here. I hope you have all been able to charge up your batteries in the sunshine, and got the chance to step on some extra crunchy leaves.

Here are our participants! People who have stated their writing goals in the previous writing club post in September:


As always, anyone and everyone is super duper welcome to comment or share their own work. And if you’d like to be included in the next writing club update, simply say what you’re working on this month.

Have a great October!

  • hazeebabee@slrpnk.net
    5 months ago

    This month has been chaotic for me. I’m finally moved into my new house but am in the midst of quite a few projects. I’m currently living in my basement while I fix and refinish the wood floors on the main floor. This sadly means I haven’t gotten to set up my new office space :( though i did rip out a closet and replace some rotten boards in the room that will become my office.

    I have gotten some writing done, though it hasn’t been a particularly productive month. Most of what I’ve written has just been journal entries and a few short essays. It’s not anything super great, but it does keep me in the writing mindset & keeps the words flowing.

    This month my goal is to at least continue writing little things. Story ideas, journaling, commentary essays, stuff like that. Maybe adding to my longer story in little chunks. I also have a few grant proposals I will need to write.

    As a streach goal, I hope to have my floors finished so I can at least move all my office stuff into the space it goes. It would also be nice to get another chapter of my book drafted.

    Mostly, I’m just trying to keep in mind that any progress is progress. As long as I’m writing something, I’m on the right track.

    • okasen@slrpnk.net
      5 months ago

      Oh, floors… I have had writing foiled by floors before. I wish you all of the luck getting the flooring finished swiftly so you can focus on the words!

    • grrgyle@slrpnk.netOPM
      5 months ago

      Indeed, any progress is progress. I’m also a pretty big diarist, and like you say, it’s a good way to keep one in the writing mindset. Actually, that reminds me how most of the book Cloud Atlas is written as letters and diary entries. It makes me wonder if the book takes that form, because it’s relatively frictionless writing - at least compared to illustrating live scenes as a narrator. Anyway, just musing lol. Who knows!

      Too bad about your office. Having a dedicated work space is a huge help, but when it comes to renovations we all must abide its fickle schedule. Hopefully your basement setup is alright. At times like that I sometimes try to think how I might be nostalgic for the current times in the future. It’s a coping strategy for sure, but sometimes it works.

      • hazeebabee@slrpnk.net
        5 months ago

        The dedicated works space definetly makes a big difference in my productivity. My basement set up is kind of funny, reminds me of communal living from my early 20s lol. Right now I have 3 beds, 2 monitors, 1 chair, and a shelf with my clothes.

        I like that musing on cloud atlas too. Though I find it’s harder for me to embody a voice different from my own when writing in first person. I end up defaulting to myself rather than sticking with what works best for the story. It could be a fun writing exercise for this month though :) maybe a spooky series of journal entries.