Starcraft 2, mainly. There’s layers to that bad writing cake, but the old “atrocity enjoying villain just needs to be cuddled by DudeBro McManPain to be ‘saved’” is there and it reeks, and there is also “actually there’s a secret group of masterminds that are behind every bad thing in the world” that sounds like contemporary “but RUZZIA” too.
Which one?
Starcraft 2, mainly. There’s layers to that bad writing cake, but the old “atrocity enjoying villain just needs to be cuddled by DudeBro McManPain to be ‘saved’” is there and it reeks, and there is also “actually there’s a secret group of masterminds that are behind every bad thing in the world” that sounds like contemporary “but RUZZIA”
Or maybe the secret group is billionaires 😜