Just curious… Do you play on a multiplayer server? If yes, what kind of? Do you use a modloader on your client?

Are you playing vanilla or modded? (I consider QoL mods like MiniHUD or Xaero’s Map almost vanilla but ofcourse not everyone agrees)

I play:

  1. on a whitelisted SMP (I had to look that up… Survival Multiplayer) which is almost Vanilla (you can use a Vanilla client) - aimed at adult players (25+)
  2. Ocassionally single player just to try out different modded versions or things (I might play create for 2 days and then leave it at that)
  3. Currently playing on a members-only Create server

Oh yeah, only Java. Never played bedrock. I tried for 5 minutes on my phone and it’s not for me.

  • CodyCannoli@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I have a survival world that I play on with my brother and sister (LAN). I have several QOL and Optimization mods but they are all client side. I’m currently testing out Prism Launcher but haven’t switched over yet.

    There is also a whitelist server that I occasionally play on but only when my siblings grow tired of Minecraft (their interest ebbs and flows with the natural cycle of yearly updates and school). I have tried several times to start a server with my IRL friends but they all last about 2 months then after 4 months another one starts up, server 3 was about 6 months ago, I’m always one of the last to leave. I find that there is no substitute to playing with someone IRL vs. using Discord/VoiceChat, or maybe I’m just shy.

    I’ve only been playing since late 2019 so I still find vanilla Minecraft to be an enriching experience. I’m saving modded for when I finally get tired of vanilla but I’ve been going for 3 years with no end in sight.

    Funnily enough I started playing on Bedrock (Windows 10) but when I started watching Hermitcraft I switch over to Java and never looked back.