My friends and I are starting a band and it’s the first time for all of us. Right now we’re just playing in a basement and figuring things out. We just got a mic and quickly realized vocals sound BAD without reverb and possibly other effects that are unknown to me. What should I get to make the vocals sound decent? Also probably need help on how to set up the signal chain. Right now the mic is plugged directly into a Roland KC-550.

Also, recommend some bass pedals that won’t make me homeless if I buy them. I currently just have a P-Bass going into an Ampeg RB-108.

  • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Somebody once told me “air is the best mixer.” What that means is if you’re practicing in a small room, it’s gonna sound shittier than a real venue, in terms of sound quality.

    Oh, another pitfall is oversinging. If you can’t hear yourself singing, the instinct is to sing louder. But this can make you sound shitty and lowers your stamina. Ideally you have a vocal monitor, but if not, position yourself so you can hear a little of what is coming from the amp. Without letting the mic feedback.