People used to care a lot. The GNU utils absorbed everything all the old Unix vendors did. This made them comparatively heafty back when a high end workstations might have had 64MB of RAM.
Now that Chrome takes up gigabytes per tab, nobody cares except a few old Unix curmudgeons.
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Yeah, I had a few scripts just act weird on osx. The parameters were different and some of them just behaved differently. It was oddly frustrating.
People used to care a lot. The GNU utils absorbed everything all the old Unix vendors did. This made them comparatively heafty back when a high end workstations might have had 64MB of RAM.
Now that Chrome takes up gigabytes per tab, nobody cares except a few old Unix curmudgeons.
Wahhhhh this tool can’t do two things well, it should only be doing one thing well! 😭😭😭