Apologies for the length, I was just really enjoying the opportunity to write some slopping wet prose. I’ll organize the journal entries by month and link them here.
Save file
State of the fortress in brief
Everything’s going pretty much fine in the fortress. I reorganized the military and have the squads patrolling between the two cavern entrances in shifts. At any point the bridges could be raised, but I left them open to encourage fun.
One thing that I didn’t mention in the journal is that there are some warm walls in the lower caverns, which should indicate there’s a source of magma for future efficient industry and mischief.
There were only two dwarf deaths that I can recall, as well as a birth or two. There was one moderate wave of migrants. I mostly let the upper fortress run itself, save for a little shuffling and building of guildhalls. The Countess either has all her needs met or only needs a little more in her bedroom. I had thought about reorganizing some of the offices, but I didn’t really get around to that.
A number of rose gold coins have been minted. A small amount of bismuth bronze was made, I used some to decorate The Rose Chamber, which I intend to serve as a reliquary and landmark. It would also serve as a very fine temple complex for the local Stigilite sect, but it didn’t seem quite right for the roleplay and I didn’t want dwarves to be pulled up and down the fortress to visit it too much.
So far the military has been able to tackle pretty much everything the caves have thrown up and probably won’t struggle against anything that isn’t made of very hard materials or producing toxic gas. The elves might get pissed if tree-cutting picks back up, probably not a huge concern unless someone wants to maintain peace for whatever reason.
Suggestions for future players are to keep digging down, gain access to magma, and set up new industries like glass (if sand can be procured) or dyeworks.
Diary of Likut Regolith Togalkulet, Militia Commander
Limestone - Timber
1st Limestone,
Avuz has created a rock salt bracelet of unparalleled quality, depicting the ascension of our first King. I would prefer works that speak to our future rather than the past, but it is still a fitting adornment for the new chamber.
A statue of Valentina has been rendered exquisitely in rose gold. It shall preside over the tavern, Hexbear, in recognition of her long service as captain of the guard. I hope this gesture will dispel any notion that I have usurped the position.
18th Limestone,
Today the first rose gold coins will be sent from our fortress with the liaison from the mountainhome. It is time we make public that Roomtheaters has entered a golden age, an age of roses, an age of the deep’s great riches. We have exchanged them for cassiterite, among other sundry things.
The liaison seems impressed with our fortress; it is no wonder! The very walls hum in resonance and jubilation at our progress. I understand we are now regarded as a metropolis and are the seat of a county. Let the Mayor take his flowers; I have still more work to do.
21st Limestone,
From conversation with the other adminstrators, I gather that our newly promoted Countess is demanding a whole new suite of amenities and upgraded chambers. I find it hard to conceal my disdain for such vanities. I hope this doesn’t slow down progress on the chamber. At least it might keep the others out of my hair.
8th Sandstone,
Another trial has been sent to me! The Choir sings to me that Thoth, eyeless viper of the deep has appeared in the inky fathoms of the middle caverns – and even as it winds it way up, Ugosh Angzak, an emaciated warthog wrought in solid salt froths with deadly spittle and violent intent. To arms, dwarves! The underearth is our destiny and the Chthonic Choirs resounds with our impending victory!
11th Sandstone,
Just so that as we charged out to meet the beast Ugosh, we find the caverns thick with troglodytes. A fine thing to wet our blades and whet our appetites! Our blades carved through them with grace as the screams ahead told of Ugosh’s motion. And there, among the fungiwood and towercaps, floor fungus, slick with blood, the dread hog revealed itself.
Lolor Savotsazir, peasant, charged the beast unarmored and holding only an old axe. Perhaps he was ecstatic for battle, perhaps too proud to dwell within a suit of the underearth’s gifts. I cannot know now, for the salt hog slammed three of its sinister hooves into the dwarf, exploding him into a mess of gore
Then we fell upon the beast as a river of steel, hacking and hewing into its crystal hide relentlessly. Urvad Agoslan, Captain Kikrost Lektadkadol, and the human Gil Batowtheni deftly evaded the monstrosity’s attacks and together chopped off two of its hooves, bringing the beast low, where Captain Kikrost fell upon its flank with such fury that he rent such a great fracture in across the creature that its upper body twisted violently and cracked off from its rear! Thus was ended Ugosh the Terrible; salt is no match for steel!
12th Sandstone,
While Thoth still swims the flooded caverns, it would seem the serpent has no way inside. We may deal with it at our leisure.
26th Sandstone,
The fortress gossip is that the Craftsdwarf guild was kicked out of their old guildhall and relocated to be with the others not because of simple reorganization, but because the freshly crowned countess wanted their old hall to serve as her new throne room. Shame these frivolities interest me little now, it seems everyone is enjoying wagging their tongues immensely.
The chamber in the deep, my little cathedral, is nearing completion. When I look upon its vaulted ceilings, I am filled with a sweetest resonance. But there is a little ache in me, too, what does the Choir have planned for me next?
But work goes ever on.