Apologies for the length, I was just really enjoying the opportunity to write some slopping wet prose. I’ll organize the journal entries by month and link them here.

Save file

State of the fortress in brief

Everything’s going pretty much fine in the fortress. I reorganized the military and have the squads patrolling between the two cavern entrances in shifts. At any point the bridges could be raised, but I left them open to encourage fun.

One thing that I didn’t mention in the journal is that there are some warm walls in the lower caverns, which should indicate there’s a source of magma for future efficient industry and mischief.

There were only two dwarf deaths that I can recall, as well as a birth or two. There was one moderate wave of migrants. I mostly let the upper fortress run itself, save for a little shuffling and building of guildhalls. The Countess either has all her needs met or only needs a little more in her bedroom. I had thought about reorganizing some of the offices, but I didn’t really get around to that.

A number of rose gold coins have been minted. A small amount of bismuth bronze was made, I used some to decorate The Rose Chamber, which I intend to serve as a reliquary and landmark. It would also serve as a very fine temple complex for the local Stigilite sect, but it didn’t seem quite right for the roleplay and I didn’t want dwarves to be pulled up and down the fortress to visit it too much.

So far the military has been able to tackle pretty much everything the caves have thrown up and probably won’t struggle against anything that isn’t made of very hard materials or producing toxic gas. The elves might get pissed if tree-cutting picks back up, probably not a huge concern unless someone wants to maintain peace for whatever reason.

Suggestions for future players are to keep digging down, gain access to magma, and set up new industries like glass (if sand can be procured) or dyeworks.

Diary of Likut Regolith Togalkulet, Militia Commander





  • Moonworm [any]@hexbear.netOP
    6 months ago

    1st Granite, 105

    Last night I was beset by dreams; even as I write this, I can hear the moaning of the deep. I tremble to write its words, though I know not why. I tried at first to blame it on too much New Year wine, but it is no such thing. Something strange is at play here and this much is clear to me: Roomtheaters is not prepared for what is coming.

    5th Granite, 105

    It has been a busy week already.

    I have taken it upon myself, as militia commander, to reorganize the military of the fortress. One would have thought that after years with little success, we would have given up on crossbows, but it is clear this fanciful pet project has become self-serving and detracts from our duties of defense. No matter, I have risen to the occassion and drafted a new grand plan for the defense of the fortress. I received remarkably little pushback from the good Captain Valentina, perhaps she recognized that I am driven by a greater purpose.

    Each squad shall have two seasons of training, followed by active deployment for one season, and following that a well-deserved rest. I have set our squad on active duty first, as I must lead by example if we are to succeed. I have also renamed it as “The Golden Bane”, It felt, more suitable somehow. Valentina’s squad has been renamed in honor of our fallen warbear, Hex. The Angelbears shall stand vigil in her absence.

    I have commandeered use of a room on the main cavern floor to serve as a new barracks. Ultimately, we’ll have this as a base of operations for active duty militia, sleeping and eating near to the . . . front. As the new well has just finished nearby, a second hospital may follow.

    But a dwarf’s work is never finished and grows before it is even begun! The engravers have assembled themselves into a guild and want me to lend my support to their petition for a guildhall of their own. I suppose they’re having difficulty bending other officials’ ears in our upstart barony. But I ought not to complain, it will take many keen chisels to commemorate what is to come.

    The deep has spoken and I will answer.

    Addendum: No sooner do I close my book than am I informed that the elves have formally given warning to stop our “abuse” of the trees! It is a good thing I have taken charge of our defense.

    15th Granite, 105

    I received word from a farmer, Urvad Megidbomrek, of a terrible din outside the cavern gate. Surmising that it might be from the monstronsity, Gulsheb, I readied the troops, eager to see if my reorganization had made us ready to face what lies beneath.

    Alas, when we emerged, clad in steel and steeled for combat, we found the beast already slain. I determined the wounds that killed it to be from the toothy maw of a cave crocodile. Well, if it had slain the beast, it would suffice as practice. Porkroll Mafolustuth made short work of the creature. It is well that he struck true and swift, for the braggart was not even wearing a helmet. I will have to order more armor if we are to face what I can feel is coming.