If the planet isn’t poisoned more and if workers (and the public in general) aren’t killed for arbitrary reasons on a whim, ascension is canceled.
If the planet isn’t poisoned more and if workers (and the public in general) aren’t killed for arbitrary reasons on a whim, ascension is canceled.
if we can’t preserve this planet we don’t deserve to go to a new one. We are the origin story of the sci-fi trope of an alien race that just goes planet to planet stripping resources and leaving.
We do a lot of
in the genre
“HUMANITY FUCK YEAH” slop fiction tends to tell on itself by claiming that the only way to stop the evil aliens is by being evil to aliens.
Marx talks about the natural metabolism when he approached ecological issues, so it’s not so crazy to use the term. Of course
most likely uses it because he thinks it sounds cool.
I highly doubt
had that in mind and just had a typo/brainfart and went with it.
I was more defending the word “metabolic” than melon usk, but yeah I agree