on the dprk
- right to housing and retirement, multi-party peoples democracy: constitution of the dprk
- power checks and balances: infographic: why the us is a dictatorship and the dprk isnt.
- welfare economy: prolewiki article about the dprk, section on economy (that whole article is generally really great and debunks a lot of western propaganda)
- democratic since inception: kim byong sik. “modern korea: the socialist north, revolutionary perspectives in the south, and unification.” 1970.
on the rok
- poverty, slums: prolewiki-article on the term “hell josoen”
- political prisoners: western source confirming the existence of the national security law, stephen gowans (2018). patriots, traitors and empires: the story of koreas struggle for freedom: ‘the political partition of korea’ (pp. 115–116) , and the prolewiki-article on the rok, sections “national security law” and “unconverted long-term prisoners”
- widespread corruption: a lot of reporting can be found on this topic, even in western media. lets just take the government-sanctioned prostitution and sex trafficking as an example, though there is other equally horrific stuff, including the usage of disabled people as agricultural slaves.
- worlds second highest suicide rate: katrin park (2021-10-5). “south korea is no country for young people” doreign policy.
- tyrannical history: prolewiki-article on the rok, section “history” warning: very bleak read
debunking of anticipated liberal comments
norf korea no food
malnutrition was in fact a thing during the 1990s, though the portrayals of this time period, the so called “arduous march” in westen media are usually exaggerated. mostly omitted by american-allied media is the fact that those difficulties were caused by the inhumane and terrorist western sanctions and embargo against the dprk, as well as the cia-backed illegal and undemocratic dissolution of the ussr. nowadays problems regarding food security have pretty much ceased to exist in the country.
hermit kingdom
first of all, the term itself is nothing but racist, orientalist nonsense, but whatever… the dprk is in no way a kingdom, its democratic model of governance, while obviously imperfect and worthy of (constructive) criticism, is explained in the constitution and infographic linked above.
furthermore, the county is neither “reclusive”, nor internationally isolated. the dprk enjoys very friendly relations with fellow aes china, cuba, laos and vietnam, as well as anti-imperialist nations like iran, russia and palestine. the reason you dont hear much from inside the country is due to western press not wanting to report the truth.
no lights, no electricity
the famous “no lights”-photo is a photoshopped fake initially circulated by a southern far-right tabloid. here is an actual image of east asia, including the korean peninsula:
haircut police
unlike south korea, the dprk never had such policies. here is a very entertaining video debunking that myth.
yeah thats not suspicious at all…
first of all, ive visited seoul in 2007 and saw the misery of gulyongma-eul with my own two eyes. ive seen that the bagkaseu halmeoni are in fact a real thing. and ive noticed the inescapable presence of western evangelical churches and other similar monuments of neocolonialism. even in more “economically fortunate” areas of the city most people did not seem happy. and i mean, ive been desensitized to a lot of shit due to my own countries utter economic collapse in the 1990s, but what i saw there was an incredibly sick and disgusting society that lacked even the most basic fundamentals of human dignity.
you also for some reason decided to point out that the colonial masters you bootlick have an even higher rate of homelessness than your “country”. but how is this of any relevance to the discussion? congratulations, the denizens of the system your society is trying to imitate are having it even worse. but this doesnt make your problems magically go away.
you then proceed to claim that the suicide rate in the rok has been falling recently. this is a lie: according to the world health organization and the korean national statistical office, the number of suicides in south korea since your supposed democratization in 1988 (a great “democracy” that allows for people like bag-geun-hye or yunseog-yeol to be president and for jaebeols to control domestic policy) is as follows:
furthermore you somehow manage to accuse me of minimizing the accomplishments of the 1988 revolution. this is an absurd fucking accusation that you invented out of thin air while somehow wanting to accuse me of being dishonest. on the contrary! it is your government that is sweeping the role of certain leftist components of the protest movement under the rug, since they dont fit into the puppet regimes worldview. and yes, 1988 is recent compared to 1947. learn how time works, liberast.
the "no-lights"-photo in question
your assertion that nothing coming out of the dprk can be trusted, since the eeevil commies are supposedly restricting the flow of information just sounds like hilarious anti-communist cope to me. im really starting to question myself why i am even justifying myself in front of a moron like you.
I’ve had this account since literally the first week this website was created, I just haven’t been active for a long time. Part of the reason why tbh is that I dislike how many people on here like to tell distortions about Korea.
Where? Do you see me ranting and raving about how we need to bomb the North? Or do you see me stating facts about Korea which you yourself know to be true, like that the photo on the right is from the 60s or 70s .(which you tacitly admit is a lie bc you didn’t mention it) have But ur right ig, prob Chosun Ilbo would in fact say that this photo is from decades ago, just like I did, and just like anyone else who has been to SK would say.
Ok, so you know that the photo on the right is from decades ago and that slums are not actually ‘common’ and you are in fact deliberately lying. Fantastic.
You should be glad to hear that half the population has since been relocated
I’m gonna ask you to not bring up irrelevant points, please. Yea there are a lot of churches and yes quite a number of people are unhappy due to capitalist alienation, problems with sexism and toxic work culture etc. That has nothing to do with the false facts, exaggerations and misrepresentations in your post here.
Really? free health care, fantastic public safety, complete lack of food insecurity, universal literacy + HS education, extremely low rates of homelessness, and some of the best urban design and public transportation in the planet. None of that has anything to do with dignity?
I’m not Korean to be clear, I just speak Korean + lived there. ‘even higher’ lol. One of the things westerners often comment on when going to SK is how you basically do not see homeless anywhere outside of a couple places like Seoul Station. Very, very, very few people are homeless, many live in poor quality housing like goshiwons or ban-jiha (the half basements, like seen in Bong Joon Ho’s parasite) but they are not homeless and slums are not common.
You have to keep bringing up irrelevant facts bc you know you are lying. Anyway President Park was forced out of office once her crimes became public knowledge. There are many many many problems in SK, but that is the system working as it is supposed to. The South Korean people are extremely proud of having forced her out of office. and for good reason.
Notice how I skipped past your line about how there is corruption in SK? there is in fact an issue with corruption in SK, so I didn’t comment on that or call it a lie, because I have intellectual honesty and I like to tell the truth.
I assume you know math well enough to know that the 2010s was ten years ago, and that I said the rates have been dropping (slowly, not fast enough) for ten years. The early 2010s was the peak.
People who want to defend North Korea like yourself are constantly telling distortions and exaggerations about South Korea to make it look worse than it really is, to make the North look better by comparison. Defend North Korea on it’s own merits, please, and with out telling lies about SK.
Yes I think it’s disrespectful of their accomplishments and their sacrifices to say that the society they fought and died to create is “sick”, “disgusting” and lacking “even the most basic fundamentals of human dignity.” That is a fucking lie and you know it. Those people fucking died to get health care, they fucking died to get cops to stop carrying guns and to stop shooting protestors, they fucking died to get habeas corpus rights, they fucking died to get the right to criticize their government. The created a society where homelessness is low and nearly everyone has access to food, health care, education, and fair trials. There’s a lot of work left to be done there, but to tell these blatant lies is very low of you.
They built that society out of their own blood and you are calling it disgusting. It literally disgusts me to see you say this shit, and if you said these bullshit lies about literally any other country in Asia, you’d get called an anti-Asian racist and for good fucking reason. But when its SK, you feel free to lie as much as you want.
EDIT: btw I really think it says something of your mindset here that you thought I was a Korean talking about my own home country, which I obviously would know more about than you, and you still felt free to insult me and condescend to me. Do you talk to other POC like that?
Are you a socialist? I don’t see why you’d bother to have a HB account if not, and yet I cannot reconcile that with your statement here. If you’d let me use America as a reference point, it’s like that moronic conservative talking point that “men and women died for the flag, show some respect!” It’s a touch better, because you can point to actual rights won by the martyrs of struggle against the dictatorship and their successors (and also they weren’t colonial running dogs), but that does not mean that the society as a whole isn’t fundamentally sick, and respecting them doesn’t preclude acknowledging that because it’s not like they drafted the current structure of SK society. Like, the US is diseased and needs to be destroyed, but that’s no disrespect to people who fought for women’s suffrage or abolition or whatever. They were trying to improve the material conditions they were met with and so am I.
You’ve basically talked yourself into a deeply conservative dogma on pure indignation.
It is not conservative. And yes I am a socialist.
They achieved real advances in human rights and human dignity in Korea. Work remains for them to do to move the country further along, but to talk like OP is talking here is basically to say that they accomplished nothing and that is simply false. I think spreading falsehoods and saying that leftist activists in SK have achieved nothing is disrespectful.
That country was one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world in the 60s with some of the lowest living standards in the world. They have archived a lot
Whatever you call yourself, you have argued yourself into a position of extreme, sanctimonious conservatism if you are claiming the present Korean society does not deserve harsh criticism. Nowhere did OP say that things are just as bad as under the military dictatorship which, as you say, was one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. The thing about that being true is that you can make significant progress in the state of things and not even escape being under a military dictatorship, so I think acknowledging the current state as a deeply unwell bourgeois democracy is being borderline charitable when you look at the sordid state of Korea’s electoral politics (which might be owning communism being banned, something the communists who were persecuted and slaughtered by the dictatorship certainly didn’t fight for the preservation of).
Criticize all you want. But do so with facts, not with lies. There are factual problems in SK like sexism, homophobia, corruption, poor enforcement of labor laws and more. Saying that shanty towns are common is a lie.
The only person who would say that SK “lacked even the most basic fundamentals of human dignity.” quite frankly sounds like a privledged first worlder who does not understand how bad things can really get, and what a society that lacks human dignity really looks like. A society that is disgusting and lacking in human dignity looks like S Korea in 1960, or Alabama in 1860. Not like S Korea in 2024.
I was on this thread criticizing OP before you were, you don’t need to tell me that
I don’t understand why you’re so ready to call tone a concrete statement with a truth value. I’m sure you’d agree that America today is disgusting and lacking in human dignity if we point out practices from one of its largest companies, Amazon, essentially forcing its employees to piss in bottles and shit in bags to make quotas on time, forcing employees to work around the body of their collapsed and eventually deceased coworker, demanding that they come in even when forecasts predicted the facility would be destroyed by a tornado (and it was). There is so much in America, even when we constrain our view, that we can use to support the country being disgusting and lacking in human dignity, and I’m sure we can find different but still comparable stories in SK. For example, check out their human-trafficking fueled “defector” industry where they hold N Koreans hostage by preventing them from leaving and trapping them in a society where they struggle to find work and can even starve to death in the middle of a city if they don’t work as good little media puppets spreading lies about the North.
Is Korea lacking in many respects? Yes and I’ve talked about them frankly itt. Does it lack 'even the most basic fundamentals of human dignity"? No. Frankly it does not. Those who think so frankly are privileged first worlders, as I alluded to before.
Basic fundamentals of dignity are things like clean water, food to drink, sewage, public transportation, education, healthcare, a warm place to sleep with a roof over your head, public safety, the right to an education, the right to join a labor union, the right to fair trials, and more. The exact qualities that we socialists praise in a place like Cuba or Vietnam. There are lot of places in the world that lack that. South Korea is not one of them.
TBH I have no desire to be charitable about his ‘tone’ when he has said numerously blatantly untrue things about concrete statements with concrete truth values, like that slums from the 1960s ‘are common in Seoul’.
Can you provide a citation about someone starving to death in Seoul? It is frankly nearly impossible to imagine how that could happen. There’s numerous charities and such that exist like food banks and so on. And a lot of North Korean emigres also form churches for themselves and support groups and other kinds of communities like that. They have a pretty strong community amongst themselves there bc there’s only ~30k so its really an ‘everybody knows everybody’ kind of situation for them there. I struggle to believe, unless you can give me a good source, that they would just let one of their own starve to death. Even in a complete worst case scenario, food waste is quite high and people just put their food waste in plastic bags that go right on the street no bin or anything. Not to say that eating out of a garbage bag is awesome or whatever but my point is that food is available to keep you going until tomorrow if you are **literally **dying.
I imagine a number of poor North Korean emigres are malnourished or food insecure. Starving to death? maybe back in the 60s or something. If its happened recently, that is an extreme one in a million kind of situation, not common.
I’m glad to admit being wrong if you can cite me a source tho.
I mentioned it because it’s quite easy to find.
I slightly misremembered, “starved to death” is speculation (and the most prevalent speculation!) but I personally think that severe malnourishment leading to succumbing to disease or something like that sounds more plausible from the description this and other articles gives, but also such a death is still referred to in many contexts as effectively being starvation (e.g. if you’re counting famine deaths).
ahh look my new favourite anti-communist rok apologist is bringing out the classics! dont you just love the pecking order misery olympics bullshit people broing out when somebody says that things are not as good as they should be? Oh you think things are bad? Try shoveling burning coal with your bare hands, like in mordor! :maybe-later-kiddo:
you are the ignorant child who made this entire fucking post comparing SK to NK. Now all of the sudden it is invalid for me to compare SK now to SK from a couple generations ago? good fucking lord the intellectual dishonesty from you is astounding. I hope that you are lying about having gone to Seoul in 2007 and that you are actually a teenager (or that you were still a child in 07), bc there might be hope for you to mature into a person who values facts above lies.
deleted by creator
for a person claiming to be this principled against supposed “lies” you sure do make a lot of shit up about other people. never have i claimed that the rok has achieved absolutely zero progress, this would be absurd. yet you, the supposed beacon of honesty, simply invent such statements of me.
you continue to confuse, at this point probably willfully so, the justified admiration for the 1988 revolution with respect for the decrepit south korean puppet regime. to use an analogy: every leftist will admire the heroism of the 1789 revolution in france, but that doesnt make the french dictatorship of the bourgeoisie any less horrible. leftists recognize that things are progressive or reactionary in the context of their material conditions.
you on the other hand use right-wing liberal logic at best and end up sounding like piłsudski rallying against the bolsheviks. have you even read socialist theory? are you member of a party?
and you really dont get how all this makes you sound like chosun ilbo?
You said they lack even basic human dignity. IDK how they could have made progress and still be lacking in basic human dignity. Again, free health care, fantastic public safety, nearly complete lack of food insecurity, universal literacy + HS education, extremely low rates of homelessness, top tier public transportation. Is that related to dignity or not?
I’m the one here making factual statements about the material conditions in SK, acknowledging the positives and the negatives. If you like to do materialist analysis, why are you giving false facts about what the material conditions there really are?
my terrible liberal logic that free health care, education, the right to fair trials and a lack of cops murdering people in the street give human dignity? and that seoul is not covered in shanty towns? You better put me up against the wall
Do you read chosun ilbo? I don’t think you do.