The tacticool-fantasizing misanthropic edgelord that sex pested right out of the show because she wouldn’t fuck him? That guy? I may have gotten names mixed up.
I don’t think he can really ruin Trek as a whole.
He’s certainly trying his best and no one seems willing, if able, to dethrone him.
Yes that’s the guy. He also created gold pressed latinum because he refused to believe or understand the concept of a post-scarcity post-capitalism economy. Which is why I especially appreciated Boimler extremely obviously not giving a shit about latinum during the Cerritos’ visit to DS9.
Lower Decks is the flagship of Trek in the present day, far as I’m concerned. Comedy, sure, but like good comedy, it speaks truth to power (including the hacks like Berman and Kurtzman). There was even a subtle jab once where a Mariner rant about asshole leadership coincided with Kurtzman’s opening credit showing up.
I love how Freeman is absolutely her daughter’s mother, with her own occasional snarky comments about Starfleet and Federation leadership, and an instinct for morality over legality. I can’t remember the exact episode but there was a great scene in a turbolift with her and Ransom where she’s grumbling about “Starfleet’s policy of some interference” when it hamstrings her from ethical actions.
I also love how Freeman’s job as captain of a California-class ship is hinted at over the seasons as being a result of Freeman’s own rebellious streak, and not any sort of incompetence. When push comes to shove Freeman is a damn good captain. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
The sheer complexity of Freeman’s character is very refreshing to me. Your take is my take too.
One of my favorite Freeman moments was that “so cringe it’s actually cool somehow” moment where she settled on “warp me.” I still say “warp me” sometimes in Star Trek Online.
The tacticool-fantasizing misanthropic edgelord that sex pested
right out of the show because she wouldn’t fuck him? That guy? I may have gotten names mixed up.
He’s certainly trying his best and no one seems willing, if able, to dethrone him.
Yes that’s the guy. He also created gold pressed latinum because he refused to believe or understand the concept of a post-scarcity post-capitalism economy. Which is why I especially appreciated Boimler extremely obviously not giving a shit about latinum during the Cerritos’ visit to DS9.
Lower Decks is the flagship of Trek in the present day, far as I’m concerned. Comedy, sure, but like good comedy, it speaks truth to power (including the hacks like Berman and Kurtzman). There was even a subtle jab once where a Mariner rant about asshole leadership coincided with Kurtzman’s opening credit showing up.
That jab was too subtle for me, it slipped right by. Do you remember which episode it was?
I wish I did. It was in the first minute of the episode where Mariner was ranting as the name popped up below.
Longshot chance it was Captain Freeman and I misremembered, but I think it was Mariner.
I love how Freeman is absolutely her daughter’s mother, with her own occasional snarky comments about Starfleet and Federation leadership, and an instinct for morality over legality. I can’t remember the exact episode but there was a great scene in a turbolift with her and Ransom where she’s grumbling about “Starfleet’s policy of some interference” when it hamstrings her from ethical actions.
I also love how Freeman’s job as captain of a California-class ship is hinted at over the seasons as being a result of Freeman’s own rebellious streak, and not any sort of incompetence. When push comes to shove Freeman is a damn good captain. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
The sheer complexity of Freeman’s character is very refreshing to me. Your take is my take too.
One of my favorite Freeman moments was that “so cringe it’s actually cool somehow” moment where she settled on “warp me.” I still say “warp me” sometimes in Star Trek Online.