On the past 2 PCs I had, if I used earbuds I had to turn the volume down to 20% at the LOUDEST. Often times I had to go to 10% or lower to not utterly blow my eardrums out. Yet when I use regular headphones, 40% is an okay volume. I don’t know if that’s a problem specifically for Realtek audio drivers or the earbuds themselves. Is there a way to change this so I can have earbuds be quiter at louder volumes?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It sounds obvious, but have you checked your sound settings?

    It’s possible that the default volume slider is tied to the output for the headphone jack. But earbuds are wireless and may have their own. If that sounds level on the PC is maxed at 100%, it would cause what you’re talking about about

    You generally want your source to cap at 80% volume, but if that’s still to loud go lower obviously. But you don’t want it so low you’re earbuds are turned up to 100% either.

    Volume control on buds or headphones should just be for fine tuning. And you want it to be around the middle for normal use.