Mostly asking for other people on the spectrum, but allistics are free to comment also.

    6 months ago

    But one of the biggest lessons I have learned along the way is that those people who say give it 100% are not for me.

    A thousand times this. I’ve been in group therapy most of this year. A lot of faces have come and gone. I’ve gotten so tired of hearing variations on the above (along with the usual suggestions of task chunking, do X for Y minutes then break/reward, etc). But I’ve also learned how to handle it better. I assume good faith on their part and do what I can to explain my experience. Not everyone is going to get it, and to them I usually say “I hope you never understand.” But there’s almost always someone else nodding along… it’s nice to not feel alone, but at the same time I feel awful that they know the nightmare.

    I’m happy you got that second chance. We all need a mulligan sometimes. But so often it’s not an option. Society is all round holes, and has little patience for the square pegs. I somehow made it work for 40 some odd years, but it took its toll.

    And thank you for the kind words. Best to you as well. 🍻