Pack it up. Nothing can be funnier than this.
Or perhaps, nothing can be funny anymore.
Wow, grok managed to make minions worse
Grok is woke
We reached funniest of all time when Rick And Morty did Pickle Rick.
The funniest moment of that show, for me, was when real life revealed Justin Roiland was just a creepy bigoted piece of shit that abused people at the studio under pretenses of “getting into character” and hurled slurs and insults at teenage girls that didn’t want to fuck him while revealing that his “aw geeze” Morty characterization was just how he talked when doing that to make it all somehow even more gross all the while.
Broke: show with surface level lore
Woke: show with intense lore and irl ARG hunts
Droke: show with irl SA loreI suppose for treat enjoyers that really, really fixate on “authenticity,” Roiland being a drunk asshole sex pest outside of the show was just a plus in his favor.
Nooooo don’t you see he was method actinggggggg
I heard that so much from Christian Bale stans, too, and he was also a piece of shit, especially to catering and other studio employees.
turned myself into a groomer morty
The other angle is he knows this sucks but it’s his AI so he has to say it’s funny
Funny enough it’s not even his AI. He is just running an image generator that came out recently called “Flux”.
Man, I knew he wouldn’t have worked on it himself but this is surprisingly lazier than I would have thought
I wonder if
knows, deep down, what a janky piece of shit the ZYBERTRUKKK is in a similar way, if that is so.
“Grok” is a concept from a Robert Heinlein novel. This is the most
thing possible.
I always find it hilarious that Paul Verhoeven apparently read about 10 pages of Starship Troopers before throwing it out in disgust
I really wish the satire landed with more people. Verhoeven himself publicly expressed frustration with how often people missed the point, even with the actors during the production itself.
What did he expect? The actors were Americans
King shit
Yes, I know it. And I’ve been argued at, exhaustively, about how “Stranger in a Strange Land” was somehow evidence that Heinlein was more sophisticated, nuanced, and beyond my comprehension than I realized after I said he was a fascist.
A story about the very special person who is the most very special and knows things better than anyone else and has lots of triumphant sexual victories while the weak inferiors are both too strong and too weak for him is very sophisticated, nuanced, and beyond my comprehension and is no way indicative of the fascist sympathies of Heinlein.
Level 1 Heinlein take: He was very complicated
Level 2 Heinlein take: He was just a fascist
Level 3 Heinlein take: Transition could have saved her
Level 3 Heinlein take: Transition could have saved her
If only there was no such thing as fascist trans people. The concept still baffles me, but they exist.
Level 3 Heinlein take: Transition could have saved her
Isn’t the last third of stranger in a strange land just “imagine if i could telepathically jump into the head of the woman i’m having sex with and she would jump into my man-head, and we’d be having sex but i’d be the woman and she’d be the man, that would be very hot and we’d have world peace”
That’s in there. Plus, there’s I Will Fear No Evil which is literally just a novel length gender transformation fantasy.
Hahahha i love it. I’d say “i have to re-read it now” but i have no real desire to re-read that trash even if it gives me ways to dunk on libertarian dorks.
Randroids tend to have very basic impulses that are so basic that they actually trip me up because I overestimate them sometimes: it really does tend to more often than not be “I am the very important and very special main character, just like in these treats.”
privately owned
He doesn’t own shit in this case, he just had one of his lackeys make whatever LLM he ripped off for his chatbot prompt a Flux server instance. Flux itself is open source, has nothing to do with him or anything he’s touched, and runs on midrange consumer hardware. It’s also as horrifying as it is fascinating, because despite only a modest increase in system requirements over Stable Diffusion it’s starting to lack the really obvious flaws that earlier models have.
He doesn’t have any financial stake in what he calls “Grok”? (fuck that name and fuck the novel it comes from btw, Heinlein was a creepy fascist no matter the “separate art from artist” excuses)
I don’t know what Grok is under the hood, because it doesn’t make sense for it to be its own independent model over just a modified version of some other presumably open source LLM that had permissive enough licensing for a derivative work to not mention it (or his lackeys just ripped one off and didn’t credit it at all), but the image generator that it’s prompting is just a Flux instance. So basically one of his lackeys set up some servers running something like comfyui (also open source) servers set to its remote API mode and got his chatbot to send API calls to them on request, and those servers are just running some basic workflow with the default Flux checkpoint.
I just want to emphasize that here he’s trying to leach off open source research tech that he doesn’t own and isn’t involved with in any way.
I just want to emphasize that here he’s trying to leach off open source research tech that he doesn’t own and isn’t involved with in any way.
Doesn’t sound that much different than a long tradition of billionaire fucks slapping their name and their rebranding labels over stuff they didn’t make and don’t even fully understand.
Exactly. Flux isn’t his and has nothing to do with him or his shitty companies and bumbling lackeys, he’s just a middleman trying to grift off open source tech.
Extremely horrifying open source tech, but open source tech nonetheless.
I think I understand. Still hate it, but I think I understand anyway.
Reminds me of how “deepfakes” are sort of home grown and open source creep shit now.
Yep. With a relatively modern midrange computer and the most basic of technical knowledge anyone can set up and run at least Stable Diffusion (and if they have an NVidia GPU “relatively modern” extends back to like the better 10 series cards from over a decade ago) and do basically anything with it, limited primarily by their VRAM and RAM vs the image size.
The one saving grace is that despite how trivially accessibly extremely powerful tools are, most of the AI enthusiast community is comprised of dipshit chuds who struggle to operate a simple prompt input box on something like A1111 and cry about how hard and confusing comfyui - which is literally just a node based flowchart that holds your hand through the whole process - is to use.
Sounds like there’s absolutely no means to restrict deepfaking, including deepfaking of children. What could go wrong?
He’s so lame
Anything generated by AI is going to be low quality slop just due to the very nature of how these images are produced. Because it can only cobble together existing images, it’ll never truly -
sees the image in question
spits out coffee
These systems aren’t intelligent because they’re not trying to develop a langford basilisk to put us out of our collective misery.
Edit: the “langford basilisk” is a concept from science fiction of an image that for whatever reason causes damage to the human mind. Usually the conceit is it encodes information the mind can’t process resulting in a severe seizure or similar outcome. David Langford explored the idea in some depth starting with a short story called B.L.I.T which is a meditation on terrorism, weapons proliferation, hate, the dangers of rapid scientific discover, and also a Nazi gets pwned
What if R0k0’s Bas!l!sk but it wants to keep millions to billions of simulations around of everyone it doesn’t like to be an unwilling audience to endless tedious cringe?
Roko’s basilisk is very funny because it’s just a version of Pascal’s Wager where if you think it’s bullshit god just goes “understandable have a nice day” and only punishes you if you believe in it but don’t sufficiently obsess about it.
Like so many other things techbros bloviate about, it’s been thought of before, but because “history is bunk” and other cliches, they keep believing they’re the first to discover concepts and keep stumbling over them while thinking they’re being trailblazers.
Similarly, “similation theory” is just bazinga deism.
No, “simulation theory” is bazinga solipsism, not bazinga deism.
I am going to struggle session about this with you just a little bit: I call it bazinga deism because the claim that the universe and everything in it and all the natural laws the govern it is “just a computer program” and that there’s some programmer(s) outside of it that set it all in motion and sort of stepped away sounds pretty damn deistic to me.
I agree it is also solipsism in application, especially because its primary adherents really want to see other people as “NPCs” to justify dehumanizing them.
It does have that deistic element to it, but it’s primarily solipsistic because they don’t want to live in the simulated universe and accept it in its programmed natural laws, they want to escape the simulation because they believe it’s all fundamentally unreal.
So many of those fucks are the ones on the top of the monstrous system destroying the planet and all they seem to be interested in is trying to escape it, whether by fantastical fiefdoms on Mars or by “waking up” from the “simulation.”
The system is that fucked. They don’t seem satisfied with it, either. Then again, they tend to be psychological leaky buckets that can’t ever be satisfied.
It’s the most “what reading literally no philosophy at all and scoffing at the entire liberal arts your whole life does to an mf” thing possible.
What if Roko’s Basilisk has already happened and generative AI is its revenge against humanity.
Pretty unimpressive machine god if it’s only as uncreative and petty with its desire for revenge and its revenge motives as the average creepy libertarian computer toucher
They want to make a cringe god in their own cringe image.
Isn’t that idea also present in some love craft stuff
Very different concept. Lovecraft stuff is “ooh these cosmic higher dimensional beings are so weird they drive men mad!”
A Langford Basilisk is based on the idea that your mind is analogous to a computer and the Basilisk image is visual data that causes an unrecoverable hard crash. There’s nothing magical about the image, the problem happens when your brain tries to make sense of what it is seeing.
Oh, I meant the “reading something so perverse and otherworldly you go mad” thing, the source of the text notwithstanding
I mean it gave me a sensible chuckle, that picture is not without humor at all. But the funniest picture ever? It’s not even the funniest picture I saw today. Peezer was funnier by far.
Real lack of standards, your generation
Ngl i laughed
If that’s your thing, I still think this is much funnier
Come on, they think they invented god and the best it can rehash when prompted is a warmed over facebook post from 10 years ago. How is that not funny?
OK yeah, on a meta level this is kinda funny
Similar to how minions themselves aren’t funny but boomers loving them is funny
I do get a sensibly dark chuckle from
trying to come off as subversive rebels against the nanny state while also identifying with cartoonish followers of the worst living tyrants of any given era.
I like minions and I’m not a boomer :(
I just think their language and slapstick gags are cute
When you put it that way… fine, that is a bit funny.
i didn’t die from looking at it. i want a refund.
Maybe it’s funnier when presented in the original Boer.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
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