I mean, he is. Non-ironically.
The closest (real) thing to this “deep-state” boogeyman of theirs is the Federalist Society, and the people who drew up Project 2025.
These are real organizations that conspire to circumvent the checks and balances that are supposed to protect the rights of the people in this nation, and the rule of law.
And while I don’t believe that Trump is at all involved in organizing these conspiracies, he has been more than happy to execute their wishes in exchange for power. And knowingly so.
So yes, Trump is part of the deep state. Factually.
If he isn’t, project 2025 certainly intends to make him it. The 2025 founder literally said that they’re asking “what would Donald do if he ran this agency” in the undercover interview…
I think this is a stopped clock situation.
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I’d more call him the shallow self-interested state.
Trump is part of the Fat State.
As a Fat, I do not claim him. He’s been excommunicated.
He would be mad if he knew what that meant
I’m sure he’s fine with that; he has his own personally authorized version of the Bible after all.
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The deep-dish state.
Thou shalt not take the name of Illinois in vain.
I’d more call him the Dip State.
Derp state
Trump’s “dementia” is really caused by a CIA 5G microchip implanted in his brain. During the attempted assassination, the second shooter in the grassy knoll fired a microchip implant gun that penetrated the wound left by the first shot, thus providing the perfect cover. Now Trump’s thoughts are controlled by sympathetic bioresonant microwave thetan energy waves captured by the microchip from dark stealth satellites.
What a glorious stream of word-diarrhoea, I love it
That was fanrastic
Um sir its illegal to leak trade secrets like that.
Satellites? Pfft. Only someone from the deep state would say that. The earth is flat, with a firmament. Satellites are a NASA lie. /s
Unfortunately, flat earthers don’t think satellites don’t exist, they just think they use balloons to keep them up there. Shocking, I know.
Satellites, yes. DARK STEALTH satellites, no. Flat earth orbital physics, suppressed by the Deep State physics establishment, forms a neutronic orthogonal data relay between dimensional synapses thus facilitating global hive mind control.
…thus spoke the mysterious “R”, also known as “R-anon”
I knew it! QR codes have been gathering the data to transform Q into R, every time they are scanned.
If you cross your eyes while looking at QR codes, the Democratic Party’s subliminal group pacification runes become visible, and you realize that their true purpose is to condition the public to eliminate AR-15s and other freedom weapons, subverting the Founding Father’s Constitutional liberal jettison clause in the 0th Amendment.
All my microchip from the vaxx does is give me 1200 in an account every month…hmmm
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I love it that reich-wing lunatics are now eating their own. They suddenly think Andrew Tate is trans, ditto for that one cockwomble who shot protestors (Kyle something?), and now even Trump is a deep state operative.
Keep it up, conservatives. Maybe murder each other and not us LGBT+ folks for a change?
Wow very convenient that everyone they don’t like is a member of a group they are bigoted against. Otherwise they might need to self-reflect or something.
Back in 2016 he claimed he was so rich he’d finance the campaign out of his own pocket.
That was five minutes before he started gobbling up donations.
When they also realize Democrats are making America great again their tiny little brains will explode.
Well, they have changed their slogan to “Take America Back” - they just need to add “wards” at the end to make it completely honest.
“Now it feels like, I don’t know, like they’ve kind of—I don’t wanna say buck-broken him, but there’s definitely a lot of consultants around,” Owens continued, using a term referring to physically punishing or sexually assaulting a male slave in front of other slaves to humiliate him.
wtf. What an awful, and completely stupid, comparison. And who the hell uses this term in conversation as if it’s normal?
Well, he’s got a list:
- Bigot: Closeted Homosexual.
- “They’ve buck-broken him” - I literally never heard this until now, which means he’s also a closeted gay sub. Not bottom, a sub.
- Putting the whole picture together? This guy watches gay humiliation bdsm and is so ashamed of it his bigotry has come full bounds where of he sees it happening in contexts outside of sex it reminds him of his shame.
While this is a nice pet theory, Candace Owens is a woman, so not really sure that being a gay man really checks out here unless Candace is also secretly trans. She is also black so the use of slavery vocabulary could be some weird race-based self-hatred or something.
Candace is also a fan of Hitler for “the economics,” so that’s just who she is as a person.
Candace is also a fan of Hitler for “the economics”
Right wing politics is always so hell-bent on lionising failed economic systems.
Lol Hitler’s “economic miracle” was borrowing money from the Jews and the Soviets and then attempting to exterminate them so he wouldn’t have to pay them back. Not really repeatable today even if it didn’t involve genocide.
This is not out of the norm for right wing blather. Cucking is the most used sexual humiliation term they throw around. However they use terms they feel attack masculinity all the time. Terms for sexual humiliation, terms used towards slaves that aren’t just the N word, and more than I feel like typing out, all surrounding subjugation, particularly with a sexual bent. Humiliation, at least perceived, towards their masculinity, sexuality, sexual prowess, to them, are some of the worst things they can possibly conceive happening. So you see a lot of this shit in their safe spaces.
I suspect that the Venn Diagram of right wing porn enjoyers and people who like black men on white women/cuckold porn is a circle…
wouldn’t be a bit surprised if most right wing, public figures, have a search history heavy on cucking, trans women, gay porn, and interracial
Every accusation is a confession.
who the hell uses this term in conversation as if it’s normal?
Same people who use “cuck”.
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Maybe Trumps weirdness comes from his Deep State ties!
Nah, it comes from his weirdly long red ties
So Russia?
Do a fick klip!
It comes from not being hugged as a child.
I mean, considering his donors and political allies, was there ever a time that he wasn’t a part of the deep state?
He’s been part of the deep state of Russia since at least the '90s.
Two things going on here:
They’re eating their own and their purity tests are getting too far over the top to get votes.
They see the writing on the wall. Trump’s going to lose and the rats are abandoning ship. “He’s just not the same guy!”
He’s their only guy, though. No one else can pull off the shit Trump gets away with. It’s his cult of personality, and when he’s gone their party will be left with nothing but ash and cinders.
We aren’t gonna need porn anymore if you keep talking to me like that.
Edit: I thought I was in the thread about the Project 2025 guy explaining how age verification laws are going to be used to shut down porn sites. I stand by the joke but it’s more confusing than funny without that context.
Oh I definitely agree even in this context. Watching the Neonazis implode and vanish would be wanking material for the rest of my life: Lady Liberty pegging the Bigots.
Everyone else has some level of shame, guilt, or mild intelligence that prevents them from, say, drawing on a weather map to pretend they were right. But that’s what his Trumpanzees want, a bigoted schoolyard bully.
It’s the mental gymnastics convincing themselves that he totally wasn’t this way earlier, they’re obviously not stupid. They don’t want him anymore, but it made sense back then
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Tate sounds more unhinged than Trump here
A deep state of confusion eyo!
Underrated comment here, folks.
Let’s not bring this “underrated comment” nonsense from reddit, k?
Let’s not police people’s choice of internet idioms to express their agreement with or approval of a comment or post. If we wanted to fight every stupid or nonsensical idiom, we’d be fighting forever. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Oh sorry. I haven’t used Reddit in years and have been here for longer than 9 days, k?
How the turn tables.
Trump was replaced by Kenyan Trump after the shooting.