One of the reasons i was late for y’all was because i was dealing with the… cease fire negotiations in the middle east, and-uh we are closer than we’ve ever been. I don’t want to jinx anything, but-uhh… as my grandfather- save the grace of god and good will of the neighbours a lot of luck (?). We may have something.

Is this just him lying about it, or could this actually lead somewhere? I seriously doubt Israel, the state which assassinated the lead negotiator, would be on board with this. But who knows

    7 个月前

    Israel has always planned on escalating the war as much as possible as it advances their geopolitical interests and so they have always sought to undermine all ceasefire negotiations. They know that the US will be forced to defend their Zionist outpost in the Middle East from an attack led by any party. The US is straight-up lying about there being a possibility that Israel will agree to a ceasefire in the hopes that Iran will delay or consider abandoning a large retaliation.

    Hamas weren’t even at the talks Biden is talking about here! Hamas withdrew from the negotiations because they were/are a sham. They demand Israel accept another deal agreed upon months ago.

    From Praxis Redacted telegram:

    Hamas leadership source to AJ:

    What we were informed about the results of the Doha meetings ( does not include a commitment to what was agreed upon ( on July 2.

    Hamas sources to Al-Aqsa TV:

    The Hamas movement is committed to the July 2 proposal. ( What reaches us through indirect channels falls short of the presented ceiling, and Hamas will not accept it.

    Ibn Riad: May God curse those who are complicit with laundering these sham “ceasefire talks”, knowing full well that they are doing nothing other than buying the occupation more time to murder more and more and more. May they find no forgiveness in this world nor the next.

    @BIG_Brother7 on X: ( Qatar and Egypt, as mediators, lack even a shred of honor; if they had any, they wouldn’t have taken part in this farce called ceasefire talks.

    A mediator is supposed to be neutral, but these two shitstains aren’t even that; they are just marionettes of the empire.

    Ahmed Hassan in Yemen: Every time America and “Israel” deceive the people [to instill] a false hope, they talk about a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

    This is a policy so that people lose interest and do not monitor the current events, so that America and “Israel” can manipulate and deceive the people.

    We should not talk about an illusion and care about empty talk.

    The ceasefire should not be conditional on the outcome of negotiations, the ceasefire and stopping the massacres is a non-negotiable issue.

    Hamas leader Mahmoud Mardawi to Al-Arabi:

    We will not accept any solution that does not align with the July 2 ( proposal.

    The Palestinian people will not pay the price for the U.S. position that covers for “israel” and its crimes.

    Zionist officials to Hebrew Channel 12: We do not agree with the estimates of reducing the state of alert. We presume that an attack from Iran or Hezbollah could happen at any moment.