So, I just read 2 paragraphs of theory and it’s got me wondering: is collecting Hot Wheels cars antithetical to Marxism?

It would seem that, after my reading, while saving my money ultimately removes all humanity from myself, spending my money (especially in such a manipulative and exclusivity-focused market) is also enabling the very worst of the capitalist forces I aim to stand against.

How do I win? Also: Vroooooooooooom

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Marxism is a set of tools to view and analyze different aspects of life. Doesn’t have much to do with you personally collecting things, unless it’s seduction of each other’s wives, then you are bourgeois.

    Generally speaking, your relation to production - both objectively (how you acquired that money) and subjectively (your relative/social relation, e.g., are you an actor who sells your labor but have tens of millions of dollars or a software engineer who makes 6 figures and have dinner with the CEO) - and how you interact with society within these relations are more important to determine if your personality, goals, and actions are aligned with capitalists or not.

    You’re not gonna find anyone who doesn’t save money unless they live paycheck to paycheck, a trust fund kid, or unnecessarily make poor financial decisions. If you do shit like FIRE or day trade and sit by your computer all day staring at screens trying to become a millionaire or investing dogecoin or flipping housing - i.e, if your entire waking hour or your only goal is saving money, you have indeed lost your humanity. If you set a budget for different categories, you will find yourself enjoying your hobbies while using your money to contribute to other things such as aid, relationships, education, going go bars, etc. which will make you less isolated from humanity.