Hey folks, hoping to have a semi-permanent thread for compiling resources to make finding really cool posts easier. Please suggest links and info in the comments below. I consider this necessary because there’s a lot of things we would like pinned but obviously things get very crowded quickly. This thread will start sparse and I will edit new things in as people suggest them.
Transgender Mutual Aid
These posts are done by a transgender mutual aid group looking to help people in unusual circumstances. Please contact me if you need help with HRT info, their posts here are for donors only.
Trans Chemist Series
These posts are done by a Hexbear user that I have verified as legit, offering unique information about trans DIY hrt, including quality sources, sanitation, storage recommendations. Verified by very expensive industrial chemistry equipment.
DIY Electrolysis Series
There posts are also done by a Hexbear user that is making an open source DIY electrolysis setup.
Elara’s Transonomicon
https://trans.queer.my.id/ id change stuff
Site Surveys
https://genderdysphoria.fyi/ (this link has allegedly been problematic deep into the past, but seems to have cleaned up a lot)
/r/transdiy wiki archive : https://archive.md/gDgj1
/r/transwiki wiki archive : https://archive.md/OzyAk
trans australia : https://trans.au/
haircuts for trans people : https://strandsfortrans.org/
.Do It Yourself - Hormone Replacement Therapy - Very Basic Information Thread on DIY HRT. https://hexbear.net/post/8763710, guide to using Monero, a private cryptocurrency
https://hrtcafe.net/ - DIY sources
how do I determine my dosage / how do I take estrogen safely? http://transfemscience.org/
https://transfemme.style/ clothing for trans fems
https://estrannai.se/ - estradiol simulator with a wide range of features
https://diyhrt.info/ - informational wiki on DIY HRT with transmasc and transfem guides; a successor to diyhrt.wiki
https://diyhrt.market/ a compendium of HRT vendors, similar to hrtcafe
Webrings and Friends
Public Chats
https://matrix.to/#/#tracha:chapo.chat - Our public group chat, text only. Has fun emojis
https://www.transacademy.org/ - Trans Academy is a VRChat group that provides help/community for trans people. Among other things, they do free bi-weekly voice training seminars (in VRChat but also streamed on Discord and Twitch) and make-up tutorials (on Discord), and the classes include content for transmasc, enby, transfem peeps. VRChat is free and doesn’t require VR (using the desktop or android app), but you can also participate in most of the class stuff through the Discord.
seems to have been cleaned up a lot
I still have a grudge against the Gender Dysphoria Bible until they clean up number 15. I really want to see it fixed, but it’s still problematic if this stays.
CW: transmedicalism
So, it is literally impossible for a person to identify as trans and not experience gender dysphoria. By the WPATH requirements anyone can identify as trans. Ergo, the statement “you do not have to have dysphoria to be transgender” is a logical paradox.
When you put “anyone can be trans” right after that, you don’t help the eggs who don’t think they experience dysphoria and read the medical guidelines — they’ll walk away thinking that sure anyone could be a trans person, but not them because they don’t have dysphoria. (Even if you’re a transmed, this should concern you because eggs don’t necessarily know that what they are experiencing is gender dysphoria, even with the guidelines.)
It’s certainly not a logical paradox because the condition of not having dysphoria does not imply not transgender.
Have any better links to replace it with? Also I think they have a github you can edit
I kind of hate that I don’t. I almost wish the site didn’t also have decent information so it would be easier to dismiss.
I’m just sharing in the hopes that it might save some trans person from being thrust back in denial by this site like I was the first time I encountered it
I cracked my egg a little over a month ago. Took four decades.
I read the Gender Dysphoria Bible from beginning to end pretty much. When I got to 15, my takeaway was the sense of joy I feel being femme and the despair I have felt my whole life trying to be masc, is gender euphoria/dysphoria. And that I should call the clinic and set up an appointment.
So, it helped me break through a lot of denial. And I do see how the part you mentioned could be problematic, especially if someone didn’t read the document as thoroughly as I did. But I am immensely grateful that I came across it when I did.
I did find it useful the second time around, but I wasn’t ready for it the first time when I couldn’t even recognize those feelings as being gender-related at all. I was so close though… I could tell it was dysphoria :wail:
Maybe try to get in contact with them to edit the problematic bits out? They seem amenable. Report back if successful
deleted by creator
Great work comrade thank you
several links that i have used before:
- https://estrannai.se/ - newer estradiol simulator with a wide range of features
- https://diyhrt.info/ - informational wiki on DIY HRT with transmasc and transfem guides; a successor to diyhrt.wiki
- https://diyhrt.market/ a compendium of HRT vendors, similar to hrtcafe
yay! edited my descriptions just now to be more specific/less informal you can copy those in if you want :)
After seeing https://hexbear.net/post/3777184, I think it would be a good idea to edit the descriptions of links in here that are only relevant to transfems (e.g. https://hrtcafe.net/) so that transmascs don’t waste their time looking at them.
Do you have suggestions for transmascs on that
I wish I did, but it’s obviously more difficult for them since testosterone is more tightly regulated
It seems some of the sites there have it though they really need a t category
So I’m still pretty early in my transition but this has been pretty valuable to me so far: https://www.transacademy.org/
Trans Academy is a VRChat group that provides help/community for trans people. Among other things, they do free bi-weekly voice training seminars (in VRChat but also streamed on Discord and Twitch) and make-up tutorials (on Discord), and the classes include content for transmasc, enby, transfem peeps. VRChat is free and doesn’t require VR (using the desktop or android app), but you can also participate in most of the class stuff through the Discord.
Here’s a video of a voice training seminar to give you an idea of what that’s like..
This is their Twitch channel which often streams their events and classes.
Also, if you decide to join the Discord or VRChat group, feel free to DM me and I’ll give you my username so we can link up.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
added @[email protected] 's stuff
I got another great one for fashion that @[email protected] gave me :3
A very cool person just posted this list of links on discord:
https://hrtcafe.net/ - DIY sources
how do I determine my dosage / how do I take estrogen safely? http://transfemscience.org/
Thanks! Will add them
Here’s an awesome list of trans resources specific to Ireland that I came across: https://bit.ly/irishtransresources