Recently, we started using a MediaWiki extension which helps us “moderate” edits coming from those who do not have accounts. This help us prevent spam and vandalism from ever reaching front pages, while allowing those who don’t have accounts to contribute to collective knowledge.

    8 months ago

    Lol I wish. If you listen to twitter we’re absolutely terrible, no redeeming qualities, nothing worth engaging with, but they never say why. And when you eventually ask them they fall completely silent and just ignore the question. It’s maddening if only because you want some honest and sincere criticism and for them to actually back up their claims, but they will never do that and instead keep saying whatever they feel like saying at the moment with no principles or discipline behind it. Complete liberals that call themselves communists.

    On the edits themselves we are getting some edits on tendencies and sometimes countries, but still very few. Most contributions are corrections in the form of fixing typos, resourcing, updating pronouns, titles or tenses, etc. Mostly clerical stuff if you can call it that. Which is still valuable of course, but it highlights that the proposed edits to tendencies (such as maoism or leftcommunism) are still very much a minority.