I stopped listening entirely around the BLM uprisings, but every once in a blue moon I still feel a chapo shaped hole in my heart. Anyone want to compile a best of chapo list?
Preferably nothing that references the Bernie 2020 campaign, that’s just too sad (unless it’s very funny)
review of Range 15 was pretty good
The episdoe where the Chapos and Bill Corbett review the Dinesh D’Souza doc is a treat
the guitar dude?
edit: misread as “bill orcutt”
Matt taking acid at CPAC is an all-time great bit. James Adomian’s Gorka impressions were funny as hell too. And that hot couch guy bit is going to be seared into my consciousness forever because I 100% knew a hot couch guy when I was in undergrad.
reading ben shapiro’s shitty book was a good one that hasn’t been mentioned yet
Chapo Christmas Carol, it’s a tradition
The cobra episode too.
Lindy King and tulkun king
amber saying that bari weiss has “roly-poly hands and ravioli fingers.” i chuckled a little just typing it.