I get why things like hot dogs or bratwurst are readily available as streetfood, it’s logistically easy - but so is soup! You need like a pot, maybe two if you’re getting crazy with it, maybe some bread rolls and that’s it. It’s cheap to make, cheap to buy, you could get hot soup on a cold day to warm you up or something like a gazpach or okroshka on a cold day to have a chilling meal. They’re stupidly easy to make, all the ingredients basically cost zilch, very easy to adjust for all kinds of different dietary needs if you offer some sort of toppings optionally instead of throwing it all in there.
So why isn’t there more soup? It’s a style of meal you can find in basically any cuisine yet in all my travels I remember like two instances where I could just get a soup. What drives streetfood and why is soup shafted?
gotta get 3 coffee cups of soup for a full bowl
if you wanted to be really wacky, only serve fine (as in the granularity) soups and don’t give people spoons at all. put a lid on it and it’s savory warm smoothie beverage
I feel like your average 500ml cup with 400ml in there and like a bread roll makes a fine quick streetfood meal. I don’t want like a gallon of soup
But streetfood is supposed to starve off some hunger well enough that you can get an actual meal. I don’t wanna be a bloated big watery barrel of soup when I gotta bike home 5 kilometers. What if I capsize
you’d be more buoyant
dont worry abt it eat some more soup
I’m more worried about hitting the asphalt than drowning in it
??? your portly watery form will repel it and you’ll pleasantly bounce to a full stop. rub your belly and say ‘oooooo i shouldn’t have drank so much soup’
All of south east Asia and a bunch of places in south America have street soup, even chunky ones. As far as I know many of them use polystyrene or paper containers.