I am kinda worried may be there’s lot of rust inside it and one day it’s gonna snap and electrocute somone. Whom should I call to fix it? Sparky ? Welder ?
Also, Its a duplex so should I ask my neighbors to also pay half of whatever I get charged to fix it ?
Some more pics -
I’m not an electrician but that insulator is doing absolutely nothing in a38wt0.jpg
Do you have other electrical work to do?
Supply is a 50:50 issue but I’m reasonably sure that once it crossed your property boundary, it’s yours to maintain. @[email protected] is suggesting contacting power company to get the info you require from the source i.e. “Am I responsible for the maintenance of the supply to my house?”. I tried to websearch for the definitive answer but the results are hard to trawl through (reddit would be better), I’m sure it’s somewhere but search results are so shit these days.
There is no disconnection required to repair, even if it snapped the wires and insulation would likely hold the line connected to your house (tree branch might tear it out) but no one would be electrocuted, so the electrician shouldn’t need to contact energy company. You can “theoretically” grab those wires with your bare hands as they are insulated - DO NOT DO THIS though as there was a shoddy batch of insulation that broke down in the sun so the top of the wires are live.
If you have other electrical work to do, try to get it all done in one visit. Since you have posted about this house regularly, get some networking cables and other stuff put in at the same time.
Start with your neighbour, there’s two power lines running off that thing so have a friendly word about preventative maintenance.
Then I’d call your power company about the issue and ask them the process. Your power company will contact the wholesaler for a tech or refer you to the wholesaler for a tech visit.
You’ll also want a sparky to wire the fuse boxes to the new raiser. And maybe even a builder to do a premium job of attaching the new raiser.
You’ll have to get a new elec-mounting thing installed and wired up to both the mains and house power. Ideally you’d get both parties to come on the same day to sort it with little downtime.
Does it wobble in the wind or with birds on the line? Maybe it’s just been bent at some point but is still strong. I wouldn’t go poking it to check unless I had a big piece of plastic conduit, wood or metal might conduct electricity.
Were I to get one of these done, I’d get as tall a raiser as allowed on the off chance I need to put a truck or caravan underneath.
Some hardware examples: https://tle.mmem.com.au/power-cables-accessories/consumer-mains-hardware/raiser-pole-brackets?p=1
R/auselectricains might give you a better answer.
Call an electrician not a welder, also call your power company
Call the power company first then the electrician after
What will the power company do? Isn’t it best to call electrician first and let him deal with power company?
What will the power company do?
To get information from the power company and to see of they’ll come and fix it for you because its a supply line
What state? If NSW: you will want an L2 (level 2) electrician to carry out works on the wires between your property and the grid.
Thanks mate