Thanks liberals for 4 years of gas lightning me that Biden didn’t have a problem and that I was helping Trump by pointing out the emperor with no clothes.
Now they’re panicking well blow me.
Thanks liberals for 4 years of gas lightning me that Biden didn’t have a problem and that I was helping Trump by pointing out the emperor with no clothes.
Now they’re panicking well blow me.
Biden did call him out, repeatedly but the format would’ve been fucked for that with a competent person in his seat. 2 minutes of nonstop gish gallopping bullshit cannot be refuted in a 1 minute response. the moderators never tried to force trump to stay on topic, or to actually answer the questions. they did this because they want him to come back so they can get money on the next debate, it’s also why there was no public audience
we should be able to step back from the horserace and say “it’s bad to let a man spout genocidal lies on TV for an hour” and journalists should have a responsibility to challenge that, regardless of how ‘partisan’ that would be in the context of the competition. CNN does not have journalists, of course, just craven little eichmanns and goebbels
Biden agreed to the format and the setting and the moderators. He also spoke so softly and it was clear he’s not all there. CNN are craven ghouls but everyone who isn’t lying to themselves knew that a long time ago. This is on biden and this team
Of course CNN took advantage of the easy ratings. Of course they platformed the fascist in order to stay relevant.
When I leave a burrito on the coffee table I don’t get mad at my dog for trying to take it. I blame myself for leaving it within easy reach.
This entire debate was a Biden self-own before he opened his mouth. If he had the rhetorical skill of someone like Obama he might have been able to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. But, he doesn’t, and he didn’t.
This feels like 2016 all over again, we’re going to end up with Trump because the Democrats are being led by someone whose own hubris will destroy them.
I don’t think anyone has anything in defense of Biden here.
To @[email protected]’s point, though, CNN embarrassed itself, too. They are both deserving of criticism.
That is a criticism you could make against most of the slop that passes for political journalism in the golf course countries. Politicians of all variants of reactionary ideologies are routinely allowed to lie, bullshit and evade questions and are still treated like serious and important people. The libs are just mad that their guy was too demented to take advantage of it this time.
You don’t have to go point by points just regularly say “everything he just said is horseshit” and get back on message. Satisfies people who give a shit about lying without falling unto the trap of wasting your time trying to catch him in a lie when his supporters obviously don’t care.
Also Biden “calling him out” would be a lot more effective if it wasn’t him going “listen man… i… what he just said… look… when you look at the records… I know… uhhhh. That’s my time.”