Put some money in the collection plate and maybe little Timmy won’t find his way into an early grave?
Hopefully Timmy’s tithing up in heaven now.
Access to heaven is a subscription based service, $39.99 per month
Oh no no, it’s 10% of your gross income, my holy friend.
Sounds like Upload
Not funny
Lighten up Jesus Christ
I feel like I’m back on Reddit lol.
Character accounts making in character, dark humored jokes on an atheism meme sub.
2010 what a time to be alive
Big fan of your work
Are you aware your maggoty cum fart posts on here as well?
Fuck off, jesus
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Lord, we lift up your name, with hearts full of praise. Be exalted, O Lord my God; hosanna in the highest.
I agree, so stop doing it!
I agree
Wow, they got a photo from Mother Theresa’s facility? ;)
Suffering is a virtue, therefore it’s virtuous to make children suffer.
What a saint that woman was.
Heads up: I’m sure you know, but others might not, that Mother Teresa was a sadistic con artist.
It’s amazing how many people don’t know the details here…
In those moments when it seems likely that Christian God very much exists, and is a vengeful and micromanaging hide-and-seek champion Who allows children to have cancer, and with Whom I’d be in a clearly abusive relationship, He, too, appears to be a sadistic con artist of the nepobaby, MLM-upline variety.
If he truly existed and were evil, the world would be even worse than it is. Regular old human cruelty and greed, along with random chance, is more than enough to explain how it is.
Gnostics did some pretty crazy jumps to deal with the problem of evil. They eventually decided that the old testament God was actually the devil that Jesus was trying to save them from. A creator God that trapped souls in the hell scape of reality.
I’ve often joked that Jesus didn’t redeem humans in the eyes of God, he redeemed the Hebrew god in the eyes of western culture.
I’m sorry the opportunity to deploy.this joke occurs “often”?
If you have it there constantly ready to go, you’d be surprised how often you can weave it into a conversation.
If you grew up as an edgy church kid you got a lot of opportunities, I’m sure.
“God never gives you more than you can handle.”
I know people who have been driven batsh*t insane by what God has given them.
Pretty sure every single person who has ever died was given more than they could handle.
Whenever someone tries to proselytise you, just tell them why would a benevolent god test you by killing your family member who hasn’t done anything wrong? A friend of mine, whose father passed away from cancer when my friend was nine years old, said this to a Mormon missionary. And the missionary was stumped to this questioning.
Really? No “mysterious ways”?
…because I love them.
This fits in with what happens in the Bible.
Well @[email protected], do you want to weigh in on this?
Remember that satan did not make hell.
I would prefer God existed simply so that there were a proper forum to air my grievances.
No, but he made it cool.
Poe’s law says this meme shows up on an fb pro life group.
Kinda crazy, huh? I mean we’ve got chit like Round Up, causing illness… but that’s not the fault of humans. Nah.
Humans are sick.
Ummm, you think an atheist memes community would think that humans aren’t responsible for creating and using RoundUp?
You’re a smart one.
With God’s blessing.