tweet in which jon points out the obvious and libs get mad

excerpt from a Libbrainworms:

Jon gives his best impression of a 14 year old tankie in this video.

The following is true simultaneously:

  1. It is appropriate to critique US foreign policy, it’s actually necessary in a free society.
  2. Some bad actions are worse than others. Iraq wasn’t annexed into the 51st state, as opposed to Crimea, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia.
  3. Not all foreign policy decisions are zero sum, it’s possible for both parties to derive a benefit from an agreement (US and Philippines for example).

what a great deal

amerikkka i receive Military bases and access to your natural resources

you philippines-cool received: a US backed dictatorship

  1. The world does not revolve around the US, people in the Kremlin have agency.
  2. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and PRC threats of a Taiwan invasion are not about US foreign policy, they are a response to internal Russian and PRC pressures.
  3. Not every policy decision is based on trade and natural resources, those some of the variables in a long list of strategic considerations.
    9 months ago

    The purposeful undermining of former-USSR states like Ukraine and Russia (before Putin said “nah, no more of that…”) is literal fact and obvious to even the most surface level observer. It’s blood-boilingly (new word) angering that these fascist assclowns claim things never happened which clearly did happen.

    Basically my entry and exit point for even bothering to discuss Russia regional draws giant circle stuff is “Do you agree that the US/NATO was the primary reason Ukraine even exists as a separate entity? Do you agree the US/NATO lied repeatedly, basically nonstop, for 35 years to the post-Soviet leaders? Do you agree US/NATO’s goal is to undermine Russian regional influence?”

    A lot of Nazis (referring to liberals as that now considering their actions for 8 months now. Done with liberals) live in their American Exceptionalism fantasy land that is a literal joke to those on the left and the rest of the world. Thinking “America is good” or even “America has morals and standards that it applies and follows itself” is a child’s belief… a child dropped on its head.

    I suppose if you’re dipshitted (more new words) enough to simply listen to the rhetoric and then immediately shoot one of those metal slugs they use to kill cows directly into your frontal cortex then it is possible to believe America is doing things like increasing quality of life or spreading democracy. Otherwise you’ll hear those words and then immediately see the mass murder and robbery that the US calls spreading freedom.

    I’m just tired of these Nazi liberal dipshits. My only response from now is going to be “oh cool, you care a lot about Ukrainian sovereignty?! I hear they need warm bodies! No experience required! Catch a flight to Poland and they’ll surely show you the right way.”

    There’s a particular group, which I won’t name because already on enough lists, that if I could feasibly go over and help them in their actually-righteous war, I don’t know if I would… but maybe. Unfortunately if I did do that and survived and came back to the US I would be locked in gitmo for a decade while DeSantis signs off on my daily waterboarding. If the side you support is fully supported by the US and they even half ass support you going and fighting for the foreign army, maybe it’s worth considering that’s probably a sign you’re supporting the wrong side.