On this day in 1967, the Israeli Army occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, claiming emergency powers with a military decree that greatly restricts the rights of the occupied. The ongoing occupation is the longest in the modern era.
The Israeli Army action took place in the context of the Six Day War, fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states. The status of the West Bank as a militarily occupied territory has been affirmed by the International Court of Justice and, with the exception of East Jerusalem, by the Israeli Supreme Court.
According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), the military proclamation issued by the Israeli Army on June 7th, 1967 permitted the application of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations of 1945.
These regulations empowered, and continue to empower, authorities to declare as an “unlawful association” groups that advocate for “bringing into hatred or contempt, or the exciting of disaffection against” the authorities, and criminalize membership in or possession of material belonging to or affiliated, even indirectly, with these groups.
HRW goes on to state that these and other broad restrictions on the occupied population violate international law: “The Israeli army has for over 50 years used broadly worded military orders to arrest Palestinian journalists, activists and others for their speech and activities - much of it non-violent - protesting, criticizing or opposing Israeli policies. These orders are written so broadly that they violate the obligation of states under international human rights law to clearly spell out conduct that could result in criminal sanction.”
Following the military occupation of the West Bank, Israel began expropriating the land and facilitating Israeli settlements in the area, broadly considered a violation of international law. While Israelis in the West Bank are subject to Israeli law and given representation in the Israeli Knesset, Palestinian civilians, mostly confined to scattered enclaves, are subject to martial law and are not permitted to vote in Israel’s national elections.
This two-tiered system has inspired comparisons to apartheid, likening the dense disconnected pockets that Palestinians are relegated to with the segregated Bantustans that previously existed in South Africa when the country was still under white supremacist rule.
Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory illegal: UN rights commission
The Origins of Zionism - Colonialism, Ethnonationalism, and Myth
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People are saying the new president of mexico isnt actually jewish because she “thanked Jesus” in her speech
But it turns out shes married to man called Jesús
I had a dream where I told my mom I was trans and so she took me to see a doctor and the doctor was Abigail Thorn from philosophy tube and she said she would get the hrt but then she left the room and then I had to play a bunch of carnival games in order to get the hrt and I thought about telling my mom I wasn’t trans so we could go home and then I woke up.
Still cis though.
They should let companies make attack ads. I want to see a commercial by Pepsico where a bunch of good-looking people are having a great time together, and then someone opens a can of Coke and a mass of maggots and cockroaches comes pouring out.
shout out to my cat for giving me a good morning meow when he first sees me
Guy at my work with a geology degree and is genrally pretty well informed of the sciences didn’t think that insects were taxanomically animals.
Blowing up my family to save my niece from being racially abused by a psychopath. Its not a meltdown its just fucking wrong to call someone a mongrel and say their blood is tainted.
I’ve decided to become gender fluid for the sole purpose of ensuring I only have gay sex.
If you’re a man, so am I. But I refuse to be straight.
you should be able to withhold rent for even the slightest deviation of your landlord keeping their responsibilities
i mean yeah we should be able to guillotine them but like, barring that, I think if the laundry room attached to my building has been shut down for like nine months now and they seem to not give a fuck about fixing it (they have boxes and shit in there now like it’s a fucking storage room) idk I feel like they shouldn’t be getting my money
deleted by creator
and it’s like, are trains, vehicles confined to tracks and running on schedules, known for having you arrive at unknown and unintended destinations??
So like people have read about the Microsoft recall thing in the news right? Well let me give you a disturbing thought: A lot of proprietary software seems to be specially designed for abusive people to use against their not technologically inclined partners. Like yeah you can tell me to my face that Microsoft has all our consumer data down on lock and feel smug while doing so, but have you ever given any thought to the fact that being able to access someone’s entire computer use history in screenshots and descriptions could enable an abuser to track and isolate their partner? You can access all of recall’s data in a 1 file Python script and move it onto a portable usb drive in less than a minute.
Like all the so-called “power users” will just find some Windows group policy or registry key to disable all the co-pilot nonsense (and Microsoft will happily oblige those users), but those people are not who recall will hurt the most, it’ll be the people who’ve been told all their life that technology is a form of witchcraft that only men in these huge corporations can do, that to study computers is pointless and that free software is like being an annoying vegan who won’t shut up (not a coincidence that most of the anti-vegan rhetoric is virtually identical to the anti-FOSS rhetoric).
Very depressing.
lol harry potter quidditch game is coming apparently. they had to return to the mine of jk rowling to make the terrible sport that only exists for worldbuilding into a game
At least 274 dead and 700 wounded as a result of the joint Israeli/us hostage rescue. And Israelis are celebrating this shit.
My Democrat-voting friends are more angry at me for my hypothetical swing-state de la Cruz vote than they are at the guy they believe is committing genocide. I do not live in a swing state.