How do we feel about this? Article makes it sound like there will be a greater emphasis on deëscalation and oversight, but is that enough of a change?

    9 months ago

    If you had billions of dollars and it only cost 100s of thousands to buy either political party’s leaders…

    Por que no los dos?

    It would be stupid to gamble when buying off both during the primaries was cheaper and guarantees the general doesn’t really matter.

    For bonus points, neither primary is legally binding. At the end of the day, if you bought off the people running the parties, they can do what they want to ensure your pick wins.

    The only thing crazier then donors not buying off both, is the people that say it would never happen. Like, this is politicians and corporations we’re talking about here… Throw lawyers in the mix and it’s a greatest hit of people who care about money and power over anything else.