Follow-up from this post
Jesus fucking christ these sound fucking amazing
i’m just using my shitty focusrite saffire usb 2i or whatever the fuck as a headphone amp and streaming shit and the sound is fucking incredible
i also got a pair of ath-m50x’s for tracking vocals and instruments :crush:
I googled but my results were shit. Some pages were hard to read. Other pages seemed to be 1,000s of words long. Could somebody give me a concise explanation?
Wait, like what ohms refer to? I’m no engineer or anything, but i think it refers to the built in resistance in a circuit. In the case of headphones, more ohms means it takes more power to use the headphones.
One of the benefits of higher ohm headphones is that the signal-to-noise ratio is apparently better, and the headphones generally have more powerful drivers. 250+ ohm is generally considered high impedance/audiophile territory. I got the 80 ohm pair because I already had an audio interface with a built in headphone amplifier
but any higher ohms I would need a dedicated headphone amp, and I don’t really know enough to mess with that yet.
Google results really turned to shit. My guess was what you said but I wanted to find a source that wasn’t gibberish and wasn’t “Before we answer that - here’s 3,000 words for you to read!”