I just got about 100 hours on HOI4 and I cant play it at all. I have to date only won a single game (since I picked it back up recently after release), but typically the second I get into war my divisions lack organization, supply, or whatever else and I get capitulated pretty quick.

Are there any mods that take a single concept (supply, army planning, division designs, etc) and help you learn those in isolation? I watch a bunch of YouTubers and try to follow their tips but for whatever reason I am still doing it wrong.

Interestingly, I bought hoi on release and was able to world conquest on my first or second try, so I am guessing new dlc/mechanics (supply?) are probably part of the problem.

  • Chris@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    Haha noob island! Yeah I play Ireland a ton in ck too.
    Good advice on YouTubers that is how I learned what I do know, I’ll keep at it.

    What I may do is build up and make weekly saves and when I fuck up I can go back to before it kicked off and try again