A fascinating genre of AI-generated boomer art is crystalizing on Facebook before our very eyes. Ben Garrison is going to be put out of work. Another casualty of the AI revolution
I have a new theory: American Christians want to pretend that they have read the Bible, but no one can make it past, like, Leviticus. So instead, they just really double down on the first part about creationism, hating women, and wars of genocide committed by the chosen people that they did read and extrapolate that for the whole book.
That’s almost a kind theory compared to the alternative: they read all the parts about Jesus being kind to the poor and hating on the rich and consciously chose to reject it.
I knew a Mormon girl growing up who did take it very seriously and had read the Book of Mormon, The Bible (KJV), The Doctrine & Covenants (by far the most interesting Mormon scripture as it is the revelations of Joseph Smith alongside Mormon history and up to his death. Actual ‘prophetic’ ramblings of an Uber-American weirdo conman) cover to cover several times.
She told me the hardest part by far was the Old Testament outside of Genesis and Exodus and a couple others because it was insanely convoluted and boring. Just mundane rules and boring lineages and that kind of thing.
I have a new theory: American Christians want to pretend that they have read the Bible, but no one can make it past, like, Leviticus. So instead, they just really double down on the first part about creationism, hating women, and wars of genocide committed by the chosen people that they did read and extrapolate that for the whole book.
That’s almost a kind theory compared to the alternative: they read all the parts about Jesus being kind to the poor and hating on the rich and consciously chose to reject it.
I knew a Mormon girl growing up who did take it very seriously and had read the Book of Mormon, The Bible (KJV), The Doctrine & Covenants (by far the most interesting Mormon scripture as it is the revelations of Joseph Smith alongside Mormon history and up to his death. Actual ‘prophetic’ ramblings of an Uber-American weirdo conman) cover to cover several times.
She told me the hardest part by far was the Old Testament outside of Genesis and Exodus and a couple others because it was insanely convoluted and boring. Just mundane rules and boring lineages and that kind of thing.