You can download the files on:
FreeCAD Design Files: E-Reader Cases/6 inch
The files are for all the 3D Printable components which makes up the e-reader case. What’s not included in the files is the cutting profiles for the case that holds it. But you can just use duck tape or some flexible adhesive and it’ll work. Along with the screws, nuts and magnets required.
Oh yes, the organization is inconvenient if you sideload stuff. The tolino I had automatically grouped books in the same folder into a collection.
I managed to get something similar working with the autoshelf mod on the kobo but it is inconvenient that it is not a default feature. On the upside, I can also use the autoshelf mod to parse series information based on the books filename.
On the topic of modding, I believe kobos use an sd card internally for storage which you can technically change for a much larger one but that requires opening the device, cloning the existing card and expanding the filesystsm. Not to mention that the water resistance will most likely suffer from that process
New ones can’t ifixit shows that it’s soldered in now. No easy storage upgrades (and I would’ve totally done it too).
I ended up using Koreader on a Kobo as it lets you browse via folders.
I can copy the books onto it in my preferred folder structure and just browse them as required.
Do you have more information you can share on this auto shelf mod?
Here is the link to the forum post of the autoshelf mod. It says its for the Aura but I have it working on the Clara 2E and I believe someone reported it also working on the Libra or whatever the 7 inch model was called.
It’s a simple to install but unfortunately a bit fiddly in my opinion. When you plug the reader in via usb, a symbol appears on the device screen that you can tap to run autoshelf upon usb disconnect. Unfortunately it only works on books that have already been added to the device, so you have to plug your reader in twice. Once to transfer the books and a second time to run autoshelf on the added books.
I also use NickelMenu in which I added a button to run autoshelf without having the USB plugged in. My script works by pretending the USB was plugged in, thereby showing me the usb screen and allowing me to tap the autoshelf symbol and then waiting for around 10-15 seconds before “unplugging” the USB again which causes the autoshelf to execute.
That’s incredible. Now I need to remember this next time I add books!!
That’s the fun thing about the Kobo being linux based. Once you get shell access the flood gates are open. I transfer my books over SFTP instead of plugging in USB everytime and then execute the book scan from NickelMenu.
I don’t understand and am now motivated to look up these terms.![](