I’m looking for a self hosted music server (or client) that has good automatic playlist generation from a selected song, like Spotify’s “your recommended”. I’m currently running jellyfin and navidrome for music. The closest I’ve seen is beatbump but it uses YouTube for the music, I’m hoping to use my local files. Any suggestions?

  • PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    There’s this one called lightweight music server. It’s basically just a glorified in-browser vlc. It has playlists and remembers what you were doing if you close the browser but it’s not possible to move songs up or down in the playlist. You can add songs to the front or back of the playlist as well as remove songs from the playlist but there’s no dragging up or down. For me it’s still the more desirable choice vs using Spotify and either paying a monthly fee or listening to ads. I know there are anti ad hacks but they always break after every update.