It’s hard to pin an exact number, but throughout western Kansas’s ~400 mi slog to Colorado, I was forced to view semi trailers with trump’s visage printed on the side, hilariously corny White Jesus signs, and Anti-Abortion signs approximately every ten miles.

I found it so disheartening, knowing that someone went through the effort of painting a semi trailer with Trump’s face on it and planting it right next to the interstate.

What does this accomplish? Who’s vote is being swayed by this garish tribute?

I have seen endless discussions online about Trump fans being culty, but this (apart from the coal rollers with flags) is the first time I’ve seen this type of undying loyalty in the wild.

The Jesus and anti-abortion signs are painful, but nowhere near as painful as these Trump shrines.

I am interested in the opinions of anybody, regardless of political affiliation. What do you think of this?

Also, I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture. I feel like the guy that claims he saw a UFO but has nothing to show for it. If anyone is driving through Kansas on their way to Colorado or vice Versa, PLEASE try and snag a picture of these Jesus signs and Trump trailers, so that people can properly contextualize this post.

    2 years ago

    My dad and I were talking a while back about Trump, Biden, the 2020 election, all of that. He’s a Trump supporter although he never went full-antivax lunatic so I’m thankful for that at least. We were talking about how he thought there might have been some irregularities in the vote and couldn’t believe Trump lost.

    At one point in the conversation, I asked him “you know how tons of people just seem to hate Trump? Do you think those people just stayed home on election day?” His thought was that there was no way that Biden had enough support to win. He asked “well how come I never see Biden signs on the side of the road?” to which I replied “Because Biden supporters aren’t a cult”.

    He laughed and dropped it at that point. I don’t know if he truly understood what I meant, but I think he at least got my point that people who voted for Biden don’t build their entire personality around it.

      2 years ago

      Biden isn’t responsible for Biden’s victory in 2020, Trump is. Biden got a whole lot of votes from people who had to hold their nose to ensure Trump lost.

        2 years ago

        That’s another point that I’ve made. People who voted democrat weren’t necessarily voting for Biden; they were voting against Trump.