That’s CC BY-ND, not CC BY-SA
Try swapping the positions of -name ‘*-FLAIR’
and -type d
Yes, just give the step as the third number: {1..10..2}
Bash can do discontinuous ranges
$ echo {{1..3},{7..8}}
1 2 3 7 8
That’s what I was saying. Dolphin is getting info about partitions from udisks. Gparted is getting that info on its own. So if udisks is having problems, dolphin will have problems, but Gparted won’t.
An option to hide a drive should show up when you right click on it
My best guess is that something happened with the udisks daemon. A reboot will probably fix this. (G)parted probably doesn’t use udisks, so that’s why it kept working fine
Those letters and numbers are the partition UUID. Every partition has one and just used for identification.
What is the output of lsblk -f
Edit: What distro are you using aswell?
tar: You must specify one of the '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' options
Try 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.
First command fails because -name
is case-sensitive
That’s not how /dev/null
Try this:
sudo cat /dev/zero > /Windows
Hmm, I don’t use a window manager so i’ve never used that but how are you setting GTK_USE_PORTAL=1
, I have mine in /etc/environment
xdg-desktop-portal-gnome is the nautilus portal
How are you setting the enviroment variable?
Hmm, the other thing I can think of right now is have you relogged of rebooted? IIRC you need to do that for it to work.
Have you installed xdg-desktop-portal-kde?