They have those at a lot of parks that I take my dogs to in my state in the US too. Usually free poop bags too, and yet half still can’t be bothered.
They have those at a lot of parks that I take my dogs to in my state in the US too. Usually free poop bags too, and yet half still can’t be bothered.
Just one of the reasons listed. Why are they being sued instead of arrested if they broke the law?
Must have made decent money with the price. I know I’m not paying for an app that’s been out of date for so long. So he’s lost my ultra renewal, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
For the few ad-based services that I pay for, I mute it for every commercial. Seriously, I just can’t handle it.
Why would you pay for something with ads?
So 21, and include 2 year college degree as part of the tax supported k-12 education. Make it preschool-14.
Yes yes, I also know they want you to join for college costs too but fuck that.
I’ve always thought it stupid that you could join the military and go kill people at 18, but had to be 21 to drink or smoke. The obvious solution would be to make gun ownership and military service require you be 21 though.
How the fuck did my favorite developer of the 360 era end up being a company I don’t even care if they stay open or ever release another game.
Oh right, EA.
Article basically says CoD launched. No shit…
64% of consumer spending on Microsoft titles in December was on PlayStation formats (driven by Call of Duty)
And yet it seems to be doing better on PS.
Its a me, mario
Kali was more for pen testing, hacking. Tails was a live disc that defaulted to tor and other privacy focused use.
Do not say a word about your neighbours.
As far as the cops are concernedyou’re a recluse who doesn’t talk to anybody where you live."
I don’t know if it’s the same chemical, but when I was little my mom coated the eraser on my pencils because I would chew on them. Pretty sure it didn’t work then either, but I can still recall the taste.
Just tasted Zelda. Same taste I remembered.
Admittedly I’m not keeping up on this, so maybe outdated but it used to be Tails.
I got onto the biggest one (I think but it seems to be down frequently. When it works it’s fine. Figure it’s probably growing pains, I know lemmy was the same after the reddit exodus and it’s been much better lately.
I don’t know if I happened to just get lucky, but I was having issues in firefox mobile and had to temporary instal chrome for the account creation. Not sure if chrome actually fixed the issue or if the server just happened to come back up after I switched.
Similar to a joke my dad told in the 90’s
If Microsoft ever makes a product that doesn’t suck, it’ll be a vacuum cleaner.
They also live streamed the debates, so this isn’t unusual for Disney. I think they have some live channels as well, so it probably falls under that portion of the service.
Great value is like “kraft”. It’s the brand name. The store brand in this case.
There’s a serious lack of good vampire games. Hope this is good, not sure how I feel about the time mechanic. Playing metaphor now, which has a similar mechanic, and honestly not really a fan.
“continue using Windows 10 forever” was never a viable long-term strategy.
Water is a basic human right. You think $20 is going to water fountains? Its probably half a cent of your taxes.
As for what was the op, its probably nothing in taxes as the company plans to make money off the chilled and filtered to offset the cost of installing the units. The government your taxes pay for probably mandated the free tap to let them install them.