This just in: young professionals of any background without much industry experience are cheaper than their older counterparts who are busy drawing pensions.
These fucking guys. They all follow the same stupid fucking playbook but when it finally bites one of them in the ass, it is a bridge too far.
This is really about young people, even executives, being cheaper to pay than their counterparts who have decades of experience.
This is as old as age discrimination itself. These guys did this to themselves. They set the rules of the game, but are angry when the rules end up applying to them.
More Boomers and Gen Xers just acting out the whole “rules for thee but not for me” schtick.
Gen Xers: why the fuck are you bringing me into this??
~disclaimer: i am not a gen xer~
I think theyre mostly shocked that anyone mentioned they exist instead of skating right past them to the millenials
“Stop reminding us of our own existence!”
For reasons unknown this reaction was placed wrongly. My client fucked up.
It is in response to
What are you saying? Age discrimination is ok? Older people are too expensive? This is a made up problem?
Or are you saying this is ok because it has been happening for decades and it shouldn’t change because it has been going on forever ?
I don’t get it.
Discrimination is bad, m’kay? Against white, yellow, black, red, old, young, man, women, trans and everything in between I forgot. It all shouldn’t matter. Especially in the corporate world.
It’s bullshit. If someone does a good job there is no reason to fire them. If it’s true then i say to this guy : good for you. Make 'em pay.
I am saying it’s bad.
What I am saying is the corporate C-Suite doesn’t like it when suddenly they are the people who are going to lose their jobs to some young, plucky, up-and-comer.
My issue is the hypocrisy. They literally got into their C-Suite positions practicing that kind of business, where they stress the numbers are more valuable than the people, and they will do anything to get rid of the older, more costly employees. Who usually also happen to be their most valuable employees. They don’t like people knowing their value, and they try to get rid of those older workers, and it’s disgusting.
I’ve spent my life knowing that “age discrimination laws” were a joke (as are any other anti-discrimination laws) in any state where “at will employment” is at play. They can fire you for any reason, and they’ll be happy to make up and document made-up reasons when the real reasons are “he’s too expensive” or “I fucking hate queers.”
I guess I just have no sympathy when their own shitty decisions finally catch up to them and affect them. That’s all.
I ain’t shedding no tears for corporate C-Suite fuckwits who already have enough money to make Solomon blush, and who got that money by doling out the same kind of financial decisions they’re now angry about being aimed at them.
I am glad Bobby Kotick and his toxic frat environment are gone and on the way to being a cautionary tale about greed and competence.