“Around 30% of respondents also perceived cyclists to be less than fully human.”
What the fuck is wrong with people
As someone who drives almost every day I can confirm that I perceive motorists to be less than fully human just based on their behaviour.
Some people need to lose their licences.
You must live somewhere with good cycling culture. Here in central Iowa, we have a yearly event where a bunch of cyclists ride across the state. Instead of using the very available and maintained trails, they really like to try to cross the highways without looking and get drunk at the bars so they can stumble in the middle of the roads some more.
Person wearing a helmet and vest: not human
Car: definitely human
…Wait, what?
There is a sustained push to separate cyclists from motorists. It’s easier to invest in infrastructure than to educate motorists.
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There’s a long term debate about the effecacy of helmets. this article from 2014 summarizes it pretty well. All the studies, both in favor and against are relatively weak compared to what we might expect, but this is epidemiology, not biology.
The biggest indicator is simply that countries with heavy helmet use have more head injuries per 100,000 miles ridden than those with low helmet use. Even that is a correlation, but causality is unclear.
All I can say is I’ve hit my head hard enough to get a concussion while wearing a helmet. Pretty sure I would’ve died without the helmet.
So I’m glad I was wearing one, and I will continue to do so every time I ride.
I’ve never understood why people get so upset about being forced to wear helmets. Why take a risk when it comes to what is arguably the most important part of your body? Even if you’re a perfect cyclist who will never fall over (and will never suffer any kind of mechanical failure, like the seat on my bike that broke off while I was riding down a hill) it’s still a sensible precaution and worth some minor inconvenience like having to bring a helmet with you or leave it attached to the bike.
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As a cyclist, I rarely wear a helmet because there is enough data out there to show it may be more dangerous to do so. As a motorcyclist, I wear all the gear all the time, and won’t even get on the bike without a helmet. Personally, I’m really following data and research as much as I can. Low relationship between helmet use and bike safety, high relationship between helmet use and motorcycle safety
Can confirm I fell off my bike in my own Street, going about 15kph after a night at the pub. Didn’t even notice I’d smashed my helmet until the next day. Glad I had it on.
This may be the case, but may also not. Concussions are pretty tricky… If we look at common causes, many are activities done without helmets, and people do survive them, and conversely, many of them happen in spite of the presence of the helmet.
So it’s harder to link concussion safety to helmet use, and as the summary mentions, head injuries are currently more common in walking and driving than in cycling, so, again, it’s quite difficult to study and most conclusions have quite a bit of uncertainty.
I slammed my head into the concrete really hard. Hard enough to destroy the helmet. Hard enough I could have died even wearing a helmet.
It was a totally unexpected freak accident, did something I’d done a thousand times before, only this time I fell over. You just can’t predict some accidents.
I’ve probably crashed a bicycle or motorbike 50 times in my life. The only people who haven’t crashed are people who don’t ride often.
I get what you’re saying, people take more risks when they are wearing a helmet. But at the same time, not all crashes are the rider’s fault. Sometimes it’s another vehicle. Sometimes it’s an unexpectedly slippery surface. Sometimes it’s a mechanical failure (have you ever had a tyre rapidly defalte suddenly at speed and then come off the wheel rim before you could stop? I have. Twice. It’s not fun). Sometimes you just get hit in the face by a rock or a large bird.
Cycling is inherently dangerous. Protection is appropriate.
… also … if the statistics say wearing a helmet may protect you… then fuck, I’ll take those odds. Imperfect protection is better than no protection at all. If you cycle regularly, you will crash. There’s no uncertainty in that - everyone who has cycled regularly for any period of time has crashed more than once. And head injuries are the most common cycling injury according to Australian hospital statistics (among serious injuries anyway - hospitals obviously don’t collect data on minor bruises).
I actually think you’ve misinterpreted what I’m saying, unfortunately. The data consistently shows that head injuries are the most common form of injury for all forms of individual transport, that present in hospital. That includes modes where helmets are common like cycling and motorcycling, and modes where they are not common such as walking and driving.
The data further show that out of all modes of individual transport, cycling results in the least hospital visits per unit distance traveled.
Further, various studies suggest but can not conclude, that various policies which increase helmet use also contribute to higher rates of hospitalization for cyclists. The data also shows an inverse correlation with unknown cause in populations with lower habitual helmet use and bicycle hospitalization.
The actual point I would like to make is that the study of bicycle injury and helmet effectiveness is young, and the data are inconclusive at best.
I certainly don’t want you to not wear a helmet while cycling, but when we talk about public policy, that might be another question entirely. Unfortunately, the received wisdom based on emergency ward studies on the early 80s was itself not comprehensive, and has only become less clear over time.
The data further show that out of all modes of individual transport, cycling results in the least hospital visits per unit distance traveled.
If we put aside the requirement that, to be meaningfully compared, the different modes of transport would need to be normalised to the number of people participating in each mode of transport, wouldn’t this support the statement that helmets prevent hospitalisation?
Well, it shows that either all places in the data set have universal helmet use (they don’t) or that helmet use is not the dominating factor. Further, informing policy, is suggests that it would be better to mandate helmet use for the more dangerous modes such as walking and driving, and focus enforcement there
How do you conclude that walking and driving are more dangerous in terms of head injuries?
Surely that’s like what happened in WWI (I think) where they found making soldiers wear helmets created more head injuries than before. They almost stopped using them before realising that less soldiers were returning dead so they just increased medic capacity to handle it.
Wearing a helmet is going to result in a head injury in an accident which would otherwise have caused death.
Naw, all injuries go down. It’s not survivor bias, it’s a solid inverse correlation.
Places without helmets tend to have a better cycling culture and infrastructure
That’s quite true. And they get it because enough people are cycling that there is demand for it. Mandatory helmets laws actually discourage cycling. The data on that is clear. The data on whether mandatory helmets laws increase safety is much less clear, however.
When it’s a matter of public policy, one should consider both these factors… A clear cost for an unclear benefit, and change policy as our knowledge continues to evolve.
I think the debate around helmets is beside the point. Why? Because it’s not really up for debate that helmets prevent brain injuries.
If danger from road users increase because of wearing a helmet, that’s an issue with the drivers and the non-separated infrastructure.
As a daily commuter riding a bike, I say we keep the helmets. It’s like wearing a seat belt and should be mandatory as long as we have a semblance of socialised healthcare.
Except that mandatory helmets discourages bicycling which causes disinvestment in safe infrastructure, and keeps drivers unfamiliar with cyclists. This makes cycling much more dangerous. Note again that the mass cycling cultures do not have mandatory helmets laws and are also much safer than Australia.
Also, it’s weird that cycling is singles out for mandatory helmets. Fully half of all head injuries from individual transport happen on automobiles, yet nobody is suggesting mandatory helmets for car occupants. Even walking creates a larger number of head injury hospital visits. The arguments for mandatory bicycle helmets apply there too.
Ultimately, at a time that we need greater investment in mass cycling than ever, for individual safety and for the environment, mandatory helmets laws are counterproductive
The meaningful number when comparing eg driving/walking to biking head injuries is not the absolute number but the fraction. If you’re 100 times more likely to get hurt when doing X compared with Y, it means X is inherently more dangerous/risky and warrants extra protection. Even if far fewer people overall do X.
I’m assuming here that far fewer people ride than walk/drive on your average day.
And the people who seem most discouraged by helmets are those who always want to tell you how discouraged everyone is by helmets. My experience is that most people who ride don’t really give a shit / are happy to have something to protect their noggin.
1000% agree we need better infrastructure. Separating bikes from cars should be priority number one and will have the biggest safety impact by far.
It’s true, to get the best data, we need a common denominator, which is just not available. The initial post of this thread was pointing out that the studies all around are weak, including the study that lead to mandatory helmets use policy. What information we do have is suggesting that more ridership results in better infrastructure which results in less injuries over all
I think we all agree that the most important factor here to getting people on bikes is providing the feeling of safety (+ actual safety) and convenience, which I would argue needs to be better infrastructure first, helmet law relaxations second.
Can you imagine if they do helmet law relaxations first? The media would have a field day.
If someone is more discouraged to ride because helmets are a hassle or might ruin their hair, instead of death by car due to poor infrastructure and car-centrism, then I’d look at such a person sideways.
It’s not really an either/or. In order to get investment in infrastructure, there needs to be interest in cycling. This means removing barriers where present. A great example of this is in bike shares. New York City introduced a bike share in the early 2000s, and that helped to increase ridership. Increased ridership lead to the construction of miles of inner city separated bike lane.
The Melbourne bike share had consistently low ridership, and was abandoned entirely in 2019. They explicitly cited the helmet law as the reason.. In Brisbane, 85% of people said the helmet law was why they didn’t use the bike share.
If we want to increase actual cyclist safety, we desperately need the infrastructure, but for the infrastructure we need cyclists. One of the best methods for getting more cyclists doesn’t work in Australia. Maybe that should change.
is not really up for debate that helmets prevent brain injuries
Not if you don’t read the research, as you apparently haven’t. As the poster above pointed out there really is a lot of debate and the research supporting helmets is of very poor quality.
countries with heavy helmet use have more head injuries per 100,000 miles ridden than those with low helmet use.
Now compare that to fatalities. There’s the answer to your second sentence.
Yeah, fatalities also go down. All hospitalizations do. It’s not survivor bias, it’s a solid inverse correlation between helmet use and injury. Netherlands, Denmark, Japan all have very low helmet use and very low injuries.
The three you just mentioned also have a heavy cyclist culture, and infrastructure in place that facilitates separate biking though
That’s quite true. And they got that via sustained policy to encourage cycling. It’s been quite demonstrated that mandatory helmets actively discourage cycling, leading to both a disinvestment in infrastructure and drivers being less comfortable around cyclists (thus more dangerous)
I am not making a point about individual choices. Anyone should feel free to wear a helmet. But public policy is a different beast, and the data on mandatory helmets laws are inconclusive as to benefit and clear as to cost.
Good lord, no.
If having to wear basic safety equipment that literally dons and removes in a split second ‘discourages’ you from cycling, you are either incredibly vain or outright lying to yourself about the true causes of not riding.
Most people are vain, yes.
Yup. When cycling on a road I only wear high-vis vest to look like a construction worker, not one of these fancy cycling ones, for this exact reason. Full Decathlon gear cyclists look like cartoon aliens.
They say you should only wear a helmet if you have something in your head worth protecting.