Like wtf, I didn’t even know moderators could threaten you

    1 year ago

    Eh, it’s a joke, the autobot on that subreddit is set up to reply to almost every comment with some kind of a meme response. In this case, it’s just translated Navy Seal copypasta

    1 year ago

    Oh man. I’ve got a bunch of these saved on my computer, all slightly altered for different topics (e.g. from a dog’s perspective). The NavySeal copypasta is a timeless classic

    1 year ago

    Funny! Ah the old copypasta.

    What the fuck did you say about me, you broken-in?

    Be aware that I graduated with time in the Brazilian Army, and have been involved in several secret attacks on the Red Command, and I have more than 300 confirmed deaths. Not only am I trained in gorilla tactics, but I’m also the best sniper in all of BOPE. For me, you’re just another target. I’m going to eat your ass with a precision never seen before on this planet, mark my words, parça. Do you think you can go around talking shit on the Internet? Think again, asshole.

    While you read this I’m talking to my secret network of spies spread throughout Brazil and your IP is being located so better get ready for bullshit, faggot. The bullshit that will end this pathetic shit that vicê calls life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in seven hundred different ways, and that only with my own hands. Not only am I trained in capoeira and Brazilian jiu jitsu, but I also have access to the entire arsenal of

    Brazilian Navy and I’m going to use all this to expel your ass from the face of the continent, you little shit. If you knew the curse that your “smart” comment would bring about you, maybe you would have shut up. But no, you didn’t close your mouth, and you’re going to pay for it, you fucking idiot. I’m going to shit fury on you until you drown. You’re fucked, kid.