The three things I spotted were hangar bay has a fin type thing above it, there’s an extra bit on the rear of the “neck” from saucer to engineering hill and the position and rake of the pylons is shorter on the Nemesis version which brings the nacelles forward a touch and opens up the rear of the engineering hill a bit.
I hate that I just sat and did a spot the difference on these images. I feel like I am propping up a stereotype.
Bottom ship doesn’t have the same body profile on the bottom of the main body (engineering?)
The three things I spotted were hangar bay has a fin type thing above it, there’s an extra bit on the rear of the “neck” from saucer to engineering hill and the position and rake of the pylons is shorter on the Nemesis version which brings the nacelles forward a touch and opens up the rear of the engineering hill a bit.
A little fin, shoulder pads, and a bit more junk in the trunk.
I Magic-Eyed it and saw the same things. Fin, hunch back, and shifted pylons.
We can’t help ourselves.
Meh, embrace the stereotype. I love being a Trekkie stickler. I’m also now annoyed that I realize there’s a difference. :/