Is this an effort to get women more interested in football?
I interpreted it as an attempt to get men interested in astrology.
men already have MBTI
I can confirm, I’m a man and I love my MBTI memes.
That’s just myers-briggs
First we let the math nerds into sports, now we’re letting the astrology nerds in?! Where will it end?
Sports D&D. They’re gonna start rolling 1d20s to figure out plays
I do love me some dice rolling football
Bloodbowl is already a thing
To paraphrase Penny Arcade: the quarterback is a wizard, the linemen are tanks and the receivers are DPS. The backs are hybrid DPS/Bruisers, linebackers are assassins, and damage is measured in yards.
…did he just predict a match outcome based on the fucking farmer’s almanac
i hope detroit pulls it out just to spite him and the moon
What has the moon ever done for us, anyway?
A whole lot of things actually you know I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t be here without it
Damned farmer magic
The Lions are playing the Packers who have been pretty bad this year, they’re definitely the favorites tomorrow regardless of the moon.
This Packers team indeed needs the aid of the cosmos to beat the Lions. I say this as a newly suffering cheesehead.
FTP. Fuck 12. If there’s one good thing the packers gives us it’s double entendres with anti police slogans lol. also as a bears fans I gotta find the little things. I’m pretty sure I hate our fandom more than you guys do.
The Bears management has done more damage to the fans of the Bears than the Packers could ever hope to. But still, fuck the Bears.
True lol. It really hit me when your hippie ass ex QB said “I fucking own you” and I was just like ya they do. Fuck.
Enochian Ceremonial Don Majkowski
He played for both teams. This might work.
Newly suffering because they just got bad or because you just became a packers fan? If the latter, then damn you have bad timing.
I was born into the two religions of rural Wisconsin: Catholicism and Packer fandom. Was able to shake the Catholicism, but I bought a share of the team. So, I’m stuck with them for life.
This is the second most interesting fact about the Lions. The most interesting is that the last head coach of the Lions to be the head coach of another NFL team after he was fired/resigned from coaching the Lions is Buddy Parker.
Buddy Parker quit in 1956 and was later the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Since then, every Lions head coach never became the head coach of another NFL team.
If you get fired by the Lions, your career is over.
Also there was that time the NFL went from 15 to 16 games a season and the Lions were the first team ever to go 0-16 lmao
Lions were indeed the first to go 0-16, but it was in 2008, 30 years after the regular season was changed from 14 to 16 games.
Makes as much sense as the Stock Market.
Update: Lions are down 23-6 at the half lmao
Is this the team that has a guy who
is dating
Na that’s the chiefs.
Praise the moon.
and it happened again lmao
Death to America
Afl and NFL merged? I’d watch that. Do you think the NFL guys would win because they have armor, or would the AFL guys win because they can pick the ball up off the ground?
Look how quickly you socialists throw away FTP…
Is there a new kinda of Thanksgiving Waxing Gibbous Werewolf that sucks at football I should I know about?
Yeah I back the blue