Happy birthday, Sonic! The original Sonic the Hedgehog released over 30 years ago today for the Sega Mastersystem. I’m getting old.
I hate to correct OP, but actually it was the 16-bit Genesis (Mega Drive) version of Sonic that was released first. The 8-bit Master System and Game Gear versions were released a few months after.
Yeah someone already corrected me on that. I’m embarrassed 😞
Don’t be embarassed!
best series hands down
and if you’re looking to get into the games, I highly recommend Sonic 1 Forever, Sonic 2 Absolute and Angel Island Revisited. they’re all fan-made widescreen remasters with a bunch of bells and whistles that make the experience so much better, and unlike the…questionable compilation that is Sonic Origins, are completely free.
alternatively if you’re just after the games themselves without all of that, you can easily download either Retroarch or Kega and just emulate them. either way you’re gonna enjoy it!
Strafefox’s account of the game’s development, if anyone hasn’t seen it:
Strafefox is such a great channel, I love their in-depth videos!
I was maybe 6 when I played this and I could not figure out how to beat the first boss.
I mean, I hit him 3 times and he didn’t die. That must mean I’m not doing any damage.
Eventually a neighbor came over and told me that it needed to be hit 8 times.
Seeing that cover brought me back to the past at Toys R Us going to get my Sega Genesis
Great music in those games.
It released for the genesis first, the master system version came out later
Crap I messed up my release order. Thank you!
My childhood 🥹
Did the first already have the trauma-inducing music that played when Sonic was underwater and running out of air? Good times.
Never played the Master System version, but the Sonic trilogy on the Genesis was my childhood. Some of the best 2D platformers out there. Still incredibly fun to go back to.
I still make the argument that Sonic 2 was the best out of the trilogy in terms of gameplay and music.
While 3 was great, I think it suffered from the level design being a bit wonky on some areas (looking at you, Marble Garden Zone).
Yeah the original sonic was a little too slow in accelerating. Sonic 2 had better control, the addition of the spin dash, the new power-ups were fun. And the sudden appearance of Mecha Sonic blew my mind. And Super-Sonic!
Massive step up from Sonic 1 to 2.
Sonic 3 was just ok. Some cool things here and there, and with the Sonic 3 + Knuckles Tower of power there was a lot of levels to play. It was… fine.
Sonic 2 was the Empire Strikes Back of Sonic games.
2 was good because of the split screen helper mode, it was the first game I had access to that included that and perfect for when you have an eager 4 year old to amuse.
I liked the design of 1 better though.
Played it when it first came out on the sega, and still play it on the regular on my steam deck.
The game just continues to hold up!For some reason, the original is the one I revisit the most. Almost got to the point where I can beat it without dying!
Sonic was my introduction to video games, so the series holds a special place in my heart. I still jam the songs from time to time!