I am currently looking for a solution to internet speed problems.
I recently moved into a townhouse, and set up an internet connection with my ISP. I receive 300mbps, but in my office across the house and one floor up I only get 30mbps on a speed test. I believe the problem is that there are too many walls between myself and the router. I was wondering if getting the TP-Link Deco XE75 would solve my problem.
I don’t have a better place to move my current router to, and I would prefer to not run any ethernet if possible. Thanks for any help you guys will provide!
Mesh still needs good signal strength between the units, so it may take some playing around with placement. But in general, it will give you better speeds further out, and better signal strength with less drops. Think of it as a middle man to pass the signal further down from your main unit. So you can’t just put one in the same room where you get 30Mbps and expect good results. If you keep that in mind, you can definitely get decent results. Still not as good as wiring your PC as it is still Wifi.
Yes , it would be solved by adding another mesh router and increasing of Wi-Fi coverage throughout your townhouse.
I use 3 Deco X60s in a single family and it works great. Since your ISP should support 300MBPS, that may solve the problem if you already have ethernet run between those rooms since otherwise they will use WiFi to communicate
Powerline adapters and moca adapters are other options also. But yes the xe75’s will work