The subtotal was $13.24. I choose to believe that’s half this guy’s net worth
Haha, the guy in this meme is exactly how I’d picture a financial advisor in 2030.
Pretty sure that’s John Hamm with photoshopped hair?
AMC’s new period drama Mad Bros
Mad Bruh
To The Moon Men
That’s Jon Hamm’s head with Patrick Mahomes’ hair.
Bro there are financial advisors, i.e bank tellers, who look like this now
taking financial advice from a bank teller
What do they tell the bank?
Bank tellers are not financial advisors lmao.
I can tell this is old because the tip selection doesn’t go up to 30%+.
Seriously, tipping is getting out of hand. I compromised by going above 15% to begin with, I’ll be cold and dead in the ground before I go above 20% and I will die on this hill.
Don’t tip non-service oriented people at all. You shouldn’t tip a gas station attendant for ringing up your bottle of water. Just stick to the traditional tipping industries tipping everyone helps no one except for the credit card processing companies, since the people getting those tips now have to turn around and hand them to someone else every time they spend their money. It’s all a scam by the processing companies.
I remember when 10% used to be default for typical service and 15%-18% for exemplary service. Then, several years ago, suddenly everyone started putting 15% as the lowest option on their debit/credit machines. Now I have to push Other Amount to add a 10% tip, but honestly just pressing the no-tip button would be a lot easier. I don’t do it, but it sure is getting tempting.
Now I have to push Other Amount to add a 10% tip
It’s especially getting out of hand when convenience stores are doing it, and then the cashier has the gall to give you a shitty look, especially when you hit no tip. Motherfucker, you scanned my item and processed a transaction, why the fuck do you deserve a tip for just doing your job?
I will get hate for it but that last sentence is exactly how I feel about a waiter at a restaurant. You brought me my drink, and you brought me my food. Which is supposed to be your job, I understand that a lot of them get paid potentially less than minimum wage but that’s not my fault. I paid what was asked for, if the server went Above and Beyond in some way I will generally leave a tip but if they just did their job I don’t see any reason to.
Be mad at your bosses for being worthless piles of shit who don’t pay you properly not me for not paying more than what I was asked to pay
The dirty look from people whose jobs don’t deserve a tip drives me over the edge
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Last time I was in the states for a conference I had to do a self checkout in a shop and the machine asked for a tip…
FOR WHO? I did everything myself? Do you pay these machines a salary too low to survive as well?
Doesn’t hurt to ask. And the tip is for the CEO.
Future’s looking sus, major oof vibes
Bruh, market’s gone down the skibidi toilet. Everyone’s big mad fr fr.
The famous “Meet me at McDonald’s” haircut.
A tip? Sure, you can have 30% of my debt as a tip
Right? A % of lost money means he’ll give me money, right?
Honestly these guys would be the easiest shit for AI to replace right? Even if the AI just picks ETFs it’ll beat most of them anyways
They were already replaced nearly 50 years ago when index funds were invented. There’s tons of data showing that financial advisors perform worse than a simple low fee index fund.
Sure, until it’s just AIs running markets, and then companies. Neuromancer is literally about AIs running massive multi-generational businesses. And then super fast whatever the best AI is pursues instrumental convergence to completion
There’s an app for Android that’s an idle game based on the paper clip theory
Makes sense. Universal Paperclips has been out for 6 years and is the classic
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Is that John Hamm with a TikTok Broccoli-boy haircut?
Broccoli-boy haircut
It will be a cold day in Hell before I take any kind of advice from someone whose style guru is Bellwether from Zootopia.
Wow, it’s true.
John Hamm never ages.
Look at that tribble on dude’s head.
But yeah, American tipping culture is out of control. They are even making me choose whether or not to tip at fast food restaurants now…
Heres your tip, “dont eat yellow snow”
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“Next investment Gucci Gang. Bet.”
Only -50%? Fucking rookie numbers, bro.
Try -99%
Don’t worry he’s already getting a 2.3% tip every year.