After spending ten minutes on the toilet pondering, I think „growing facial hair“ is the best counter-example I can come up with.
Or I just don‘t know enough women who like growing facial hair.
I think you have to expand to a wider topic. I and many other women really appreciate and like beards.
Yeah, but the question isn’t whether you like beards, it’s whether you like growing your own beard, respect the game.
my mother in law seems to love it!
I’m very glad for my eyebrows and eyelashes, and there’s that Sikh woman (relevant because of the religious ban on cutting hair) whose wedding picture went viral like a decade ago. She had a pretty full beard and had styled it beautifully with small flowers woven into it.
as a man I hate facial hair, so there must be a woman who loves it, for balance
It’s not something only men can do, otherwise playing with their own dick would qualify.
Not a woman, but I know an agender person who’s super hyped to get facial hair.
Using a cup while playing sports? I don’t know if it’s a like though…
Is facial hair even cool any more?
Yes because I have some.
I don’t care I look better with it
PS you sent this comment twice
If I were a man I’d absolutely love to grow facial hair.
Is facial hair even cool any more?
Some of us were doing facial hair before it was cool…
… And some of us started going bald in their teens and wanted beards to help cover up double chins and a tiny mouth but did enjoy a brief period of looking like white Jesus before that happened 🧔♀️
Personally I come from a long line of hairy fuckers. Clean shaven is not an option because it literally grows back in less than a day. Plus I like the beard had it for decades.
As hairy as my face is, I’m thankful I didn’t get the hairy back gene. My legs, chest and ass though, I’m kind of like a satyr without hooves.
Look, idk about you, but if you haven’t played soldiers and tanks with a bunch of grown ass men, get yourself to a WH40k group and learn what cool is.
I refuse to believe that there are no women who enjoy Warhammer 40k.
I do too. I’ve never met them, but come on. Playing tanks with grown ups. What’s not to love.
Paint your army, roll a bucket of dice, shout funny things. Play combat patrol, or just do a good ol beer hammer at a local brewery.
But my trainsssss
Check out Blondihacks on YouTube. She’s a hobby machinist who is currently building a working model Pennsylvania A3 Switcher.
there’s girls who like trains, i’ve met them! reckon sometimes they’re less vocal bc mansplaining is upsettingly common in any male dominated hobby :/
Agree with the mansplaining angle. Passionate people like to explain, combine this with not being the most socially adept and voila you have mansplaining.
Is there literally anything only men like?
There are male biased things, ie. gaming, woodworking, wingsuiting, cimbing etc.
but are there any things literally only males like?
Of course not, absolutes don’t exist…
Is that absolutely true?
Well, Joe Rogan
I know several women who listen to joe rogan unfortunately
I met a girl on tinder who believed and “teached” the goapel of andrew tate. So nothing is impossible.
U banged didn’t you lol
Nothing is absolute, of course
Urinating standing up. Its so much messier when you’re a woman and writing half your friends name in snow with it is almost impossible.
She-Wee for the win!
Nope. Even Fortran programers hate that vile language.
Hey I kinda like it :-(
Need a purge on the Fortran courses at my uni pls
They said men, not masochists
maybe some things so incredibly niche that only one or two people total like them, if those people happen to be men?
Yes, I and my brother invented a game that only we two know how to play.
raping women I imagine
Women can rape women — although masculine rape culture is definetly the biggest culprit behind rapes.
yeah so am I wrong
Well, considering the question was, “is there anything that literally only males like”, and there are in fact women that sexually assault other women, then yes, you are wrong.
Yes there is:
Only men like nothing.
“Only XYZ like ABC” is equivalent to: “Everyone who likes ABC is also an XYZ.”
Since everybody likes at least something, there is no one who likes nothing. The statement: “Everyone who likes nothing is also a man” is true because the “Everyone who likes nothing” part results in 0 people. And it’s true to say that everyone in a group of 0 people is a man. It’s also true that everyone in a group of 0 people is not a man.
But other than vacuous truths, no sentence stating “Only man like XYZ” is true.
Define only men like
Are we talking hobby scope or like alpha extroverted abusively insecure narcissistic misogynists with very small penis… rulehaving a small penis doesn’t make anyone a bad person, all your other terms are fair and objectively bad, but how do you bot realize you are potentially hurting perfectly decent people with the last one? I know its a widespread practice and that and I am not really mad about it, but it still amazes me how the insult is still used. If someone is an abusive, narcissistic misogynist then that’s bad enough, don’t gotta go there.
Think about your harmless bros with insecurity issues over this thing that doesn’t make them a lesser person.
End rant, again not mad at you just a thought.
I apologize if anything I said appears judgemental or degrading. It was intended as I personally view people that are concerned with size like someone handed a fine instrument that is concerned about the recycling value of the metal and wood. Or, someone that compares movies and songs where they focus on brevity as a primary measure of performance benchmark. I will try to avoid the comment in the future
Yeah you know what this is so much better than my comment.
There’s nothing wrong with a small penis, but misogynists usually disagree with that so it’s a jab to say they have a small penis. I’m not making fun of the penis, I’m making fun of the misogynist who cares so much in a bad way.
Although it does come across like you say, so maybe I should stop.
I think the key is not “small penis”, it’s “misogynist small penis”. You can’t decide your penis (and side note, sometimes a below average penis is sooo much better to handle for the othet party than an oversize log that poses so many problems), you can decide to be an asshole though
having a small penis doesn’t make anyone a bad person
nor does being born with narcissistic personality disorder. It’s not the person’s fault to be born this way. Problems arise only if they refuse to be treated, because then they could harm someone
also not mad at you
As a man with a small penis, it’s the second.
I think you can answer your own question. Either men will like it and their will be other genders that see the appeal or it’s an assoholic male hobby.
I’ve met women who like the most assholish of hobbies, like rolling coal and crossfit. I don’t think this is a useful definition.
Unsupported by the logic at play. Just because some women like it doesn’t make it cool
Is there a critical mass of women where it becomes cool?
No, think about scentsy
Excellent example.
No, the only thing that makes anything cool is being different confidently; Popularity is coolness’ diagonal opposite.
I think there’s truth in it either way. Although I can’t think of many things only men like, expanding it to “anything dominated by an overwhelming proportion of men to woman” still works. I think they’re more cringe than uncool though.
To be fair: if only men think it’s cool, women and thus at least half of the population think it’s uncool
I mean, you can just be neutral towards or unfamiliar with something, so not necessarily.