This is what Mexico City looked like in about the 1520s, before Spanish colonialism.
The past/present overlays are incredible, especially if you’ve been to the city before.
I wonder what an average Aztec dwelling was like. Building materials, layout, etc.
These overlays are absolutely phenomenal! I love this.
Wow! Mirar fotos de como podría ver Tenochtitlan en antigüedad es bien chido! Y la parte donde puedes arrastrar los imágenes si es verdaderamente increíble. Y horroroso… Que gran insulto es que los conquistadores construyeron una iglesia católica justo encima del Templo Mayor
Que gran insulto es que los conquistadores construyeron una iglesia católica justo encima del Templo Mayor
Part of the conquistador playbook
“Luckily” the Spanish built the church just a few blocks away from the temple ofc, but other places haven’t been so lucky
It’s shit like this that makes me really resent growing up Catholic and speaking Spanish. Mexico has been in need of a cultural revolution for centuries
The world has changed. I see it in the water. I feel it in the Earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, For none now live who remember it.
Incredible. Thank you for this
I’d love to play an RPG or something on this map