It seems like our leaders don’t think they need to answer questions:
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the trendsetter here, making the rounds on non-political and non-Canadian podcasts over the past year … the questions he faced were less hard-nosed than those from Parliament Hill reporters
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre sitting down with Jordan Peterson for a very long talk on Mr. Peterson’s [podcast] … An interview so friendly it’s annoying to the subject is an amazing thing to pull off, but this is the moment we’re in.
And now this week, you have Mark Carney … on The Daily Show. Host Jon Stewart began the interview by crediting Mr. Carney with steering Canada through the 2008 recession without lasting scars, and that was an accurate amuse-bouche for the tone of the whole thing.
The shitty part is that voters seem cool with it. We don’t care that our leaders skip hard questions and go on lame podcasts. We’re okay to forego fact checking and give them a pass.
Original link:
Is this NSFW due to some companies having a “no chat about politics, religion or sport” rule?
Oops! I must have hit that button by accident. Thanks for pointing it out.
All good. I was just kinda expecting something saucy, thought I’d ask
I’ll try harder for saucy content next time
Not all heroes wear capes o7
Oh yea I was meaning to watch that Daily Show episode. I don’t really care what questions they ask him, just want to see what he has to say for himself.
He handles himself well, but it’s light on policy. The closest he comes is saying something about how Canadians deserve a carbon tax that puts the burden on big companies, and not on the people. This would seem to suggest he would make some changes there.
As long as people are herded into the mindset where we vote for a team instead of demanding quantifiable progress towards specific outcomes, it doesn’t matter. We’ll draw our own conclusions favourable to whoever has domesticated us.
Should one expect the daily show or Jordan Peterson to press their feet to the coals?
I’d assume these are just softball campaign stump events.
That’s what the oped says.