suspicious how every real american hero gets got by the federal govt…
I watched Casablanca recently again and was struck by how all of the main leads would have been persecuted in the USA after the war for “Premature Anti-Fascism”. Even the Corrupt French Cop.
Thinking of that quote by an Iranian general about how the US has no heroes and realizing that any real heroes people could sympathize with and get behind are killed or demonized by their government before they can be anything more than a fringe figure
only good white person in history
Death to America
The tribute was written by the only OTHER good white American in our nation’s wretched history.
Who shall be the John Brown of Wage-Slavery?
When I become CEO of Hollywood I’m gonna make a buddy-cop comedy where the ghost of John Brown and the ghost of Ned Kelly team up to kill Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or someone like that, while having to get a baby back to its parents.