By luobiteluo1, sauce

In memory of my old account on get banned.

Ban reason:

Posting porn (cute cat girl pictures)

And upsetting the moderator by stating Xi Jimpin look like Winnie the Pooh. (Well it does look like)

      • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
        4 months ago

        They did. In response I deleted the post instead of tagging it, along with commenting that I would stop posting.

        I felt the rules were unclear and inconsistently enforced. Hence, impossible to follow.

        The only way to make sure I didn’t break them anymore, was to stop posting.

        This got me banned.

        4 months ago

        can just say to mark it as NSFW

        That what usually happens. M.E. was banned for deliberately breaking rules. There was already a discussion going in the earlier post, that I asked to mark as NSFW. I stopped responding, because I wanted to take a break and focus on my other problems. After some time M.E. posted again and it was the mentioned work. I asked if they were aware that Sensitive danbooru pics have to be marked as NSFW, but they gave a snarky response, not answering the question. I understood it as an attempt to force me back into discussion by posting something that doesn’t comply with the rules and banned him.

        • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
          4 months ago

          @[email protected]

          Dude. I literally deleted the post and left the comment at the same time. I complied. IMMEDIATELY. I FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS IN A DM RIGHT AFTER NOTICING THE BAN.

          It wasn’t a snarky response. I was telling you I would stop posting if you kept making no sense.

          Even if your version of events made sense, you could have just fucking removed the post. Maybe slapped me with a 1-4 day ban to stop me bothering you for a bit. Instead you hit me with an instant no-warning 365-day ban. Followed by completely ignoring all attempts I made to communicate.

          I was not going to discuss anything with you. I was fully aware that with the post deleted, you’d only see my reply in a notification, and be unable to reply. I wasn’t looking for a discussion.

          There was nothing deliberate about my breaking the rules, which btw, at no point were that every image rated sensitive on danbooru had to be tagged. You yourself admitted in our discussion that a ton of images are incorrectly tagged “sensitive” due to being grandfathered from the old “safe” tag. AND THATS WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT NOT EVERY IMAGE EVER DRAWN IS ON AN IMAGE BOARD.

          It made literally no sense to me that you ACTUALLY expected me to tag EVERY image rated sensitive as nsfw. AND CERTAINLY NOT THAT ONE. I just used simple fucking judgement by looking at the damn image. I didn’t even find it on danbooru, but my posting script adds a link there if it can find one, which is I’m pretty sure the only reason you even checked, because you allowed plenty other posts to stand. Including ones posted after you banned me.

          If you paid any attention to contributors, you’d know I don’t even control exactly what I post and when. My posts are automated using a tool I maintain, which makes posts at random intervals from a collection of content I curate in advance.

          As far as I could tell, you were the one being snarky and passive-aggressive, so I was fully done with contributing to the community for the moment, and literally meant what I said. To me it seemed you got deliberately overzealous with your enforcement of the rules just to fuck with me.

          Nothing in our discussion gave me the impression that zero tolerance was the actual rule, the sidebar stated that this was a “general rule of thumb”, not some hard line for which you ban people the moment they express frustration with your bullshit.

          If you had done literally nothing, I would simply have stopped posting on my own, until you started making sense. Instead you ban me, which means I can’t even sub to get touhou content in my feed anymore, let alone upvote or comment.

          You actively placed yourself between me and something I like, so now I have to be out here trying to slowly replace you: [email protected]

          And this is before we consider the fact that despite my asking you to explicitly remove my content from the community (as I can’t edit or even delete it while banned, which also proves I deleted my own post before I even knew you’d ban me), YOU FUCKING RESTORED A COMMENT OF MINE.

          I literally had to email the admins to go over your head and get my contributions removed.

          I’ve been expecting you to own up to your massive overreaction and failiure to respect a users right to remove content, instead your conduct is remaining completely unacceptable.

        • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
          4 months ago

          @[email protected]

          Looking at the rules now, you’ve even updated them to make way more sense.

          That essentially means you now agree with what I was trying to tell you.

          Which begs the question:


          And, unfortunately this points to you knowing you fucked up. But after realizing such a thing, the right time to correct a mistake and make up with someone you wronged, is anytime before they call you on it.

          4 months ago

          Ohh Ok then. But I still don’t considered that image as NSFW but rule is rule.

          • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
            4 months ago

            They’re full of shit. Ask them if they’ve blocked me, because I got complete radio silence when I tried to reason with them.

              4 months ago

              @[email protected] I think you should unban him. So, He can atleast see post and comment on it. ME use automation tool so it’s not possible to mark every sensetive tag post as NSFW. He see images if he think it’s NSFW then he mark it. Only way to stop that from happening is stop posting in touhou community.

              • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
                4 months ago

                I actually do personally check whether every image is nsfw, but I do that by, you know, looking at it.

                My script does also check for booru ratings like questionable and explicit. I made it check for the sensitive tag for a while, but immediately removed that because I was getting more than 50% false positives.

                It’s not a consistent rating on boorus, which is why using it as a hard line is stupid.

          4 months ago

          Two in one response:
          To @[email protected]

          I didn’t know that banned person can’t view the community, that would probably made me reconsider the ban. And I don’t have any personal bans, so I see all messages. I did respond to you privately. And the only place where I didn’t, is the mentioned thread, because you was banned.

          I recommend you to look again at your response when I asked you about being aware of the rules. If it was something like “I do, but I {didn’t check, overlooked it, etc}. Also I disagree with rules and will stop posting here”, it and post deletion wouldn’t look like another tantrum.

          IIRC when I saw your comment about deleting your contributions, your posts and comments were already missing, so I banned that alt as you asked and thought there was nothing left to do. Initially, posts and comments weren’t purged, so peoples could better understand the reasoning of the ban and it didn’t look like a censorship. After about a week they appeared again, I thought you changed your mind, but now it’s just confusing why it happened.

          I will stress it again: you was banned for deliberately breaking the rules. Not because of some incompatibility between you and them. No changes to the rules would automatically lead to your unban. Another person said that he doesn’t agree with danbooru rating (in a more polite way), but also don’t mind tagging them according to danbooru, so I decided to make them less strict to reduce back and forth with poster asking them to change tag, while giving control to mods and contributors to avoid bikeshedding rating decision to hell and prevent rating drifting too much away from danbooru. Initially, danbooru supposed to be playing such role and nobody was mad about it. If that was your idea, then I guess we agree on something.

          @[email protected] mentioned your unban. I can do it, if you will address your strong antagonism. Else you can write something like “I request you to ban me if I make a post or comment in [email protected]” to let you see posts and prevent you from exploiting any wiggle rooms, because I don’t know what you can pull of again. It’s insanely silly and I would want to avoid going this route.

          To @[email protected]

          I’m not opposed to automation tools, but not going to special case them in rules. And it isn’t the end of the world if post was tagged wrong, of course.

          • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
            4 months ago

            I did respond to you privately.

            No you didn’t. You have sent me exactly one DM that was about not being able to ban my alt.

            I sent you one message right after the ban. No reply.

            I sent you another as you showed you were doubling down on your overreaction, that I wanted my contributions removed. No reply.

            You even proceeded to restore content of mine after I sent those two messages about wanting my contributions gone!

            At that point I was FUCKING LIVID!!!

            No communication, and doing the LITERAL OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WAS ASKING when it came to my contributions.

            I recommend you to look again at your response when I asked you about being aware of the rules.

            Except the rules weren’t that EVERY post rated sensitive MUST be tagged. Even back then the wording was “as a rule of thumb”, and you had just yourself explained that a bunch of posts are incorrectly tagged “sensitive” on boorus due to the old “safe” tag.

            By asking if I knew whether a far stricter version of the rules you made up on the spot was in effect, you came off like an absolute dick. I thought you were deliberately fucking with me! The image you commented on was in no way NSFW, so the only way I saw to interpret your comment was that you had singled me out because you hated my guts. No shit I chose my words to show I was annoyed and insulted.

            Even if your understanding of the situation that I got a annoyed and threw a tantrum was correct, considering I complied immediately both times I realized I was in violation of your rules, that leaves you no valid reason to ban someone for a fucking year!

            You made assumptions, and they were WRONG!!!

            Now own up to it!

            Unless you equate complaining about rules with deliberately breaking them, you have no argument. I wasn’t fibbing when I said I’d always do as a mod asks, but that doesn’t mean I won’t express my dissatisfaction with a nonsensical policy as I do so.

            Would you even have checked the image rating if my posting script didn’t conveniently add links to danbooru in all my posts?

            another tantrum

            Another? That you wanted the Youmu post tagged nsfw surprised me, and I disagreed with your prudishness, so I tried to change your mind after complying with the rules. There was no heightened emotion involved. I was just presenting my problems with how you wanted things to work.

            When you commented on the Marisa post, then I got annoyed, I thought you took our earlier discussion personally, and now wanted to get back at me by applying the rules over-zealously. When just pulling the post and going “dude really?” resulted in a 365-day ban, I was SURE you just hated me, and used the slightest excuse available to give me a giant middle finger!

            posts and comments weren’t purged, so peoples could better understand the reasoning of the ban

            Literally no-one is going to support your actions on this. They simply don’t know about it. I dare you to make and pin an honest post announcing your decision, posting every step in the drama, including this reply, and explaining your reasoning on how my actions are “deliberate” anything.

            you was banned for deliberately breaking the rules

            I didn’t actively choose to post that Marisa image, at that time. I found it and added it (this involves giving it a title, choosing communities to post to, and checking whether it should be tagged nsfw) to the collection my tool randomly posts from, weeks earlier.

            Once you commented on it, I deleted the post, expressed annoyance that you’d want such an obviously SFW post tagged just because of its incorrect danbooru rating, and said I wouldn’t post anymore. How the fuck, do you get from that, to any potential rule-breaking I did being deliberate?

            Further, how the hell does someone being so fed up with your nonsense policy, they’d rather stop posting, necessitate a ban? I wasn’t gonna post anymore, so the ban literally just PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF. You added insult to injury. How am I supposed to interpret that as anything other than gleeful malice?

            Your posts and comments were already missing. After about a week they appeared again, I thought you changed your mind, but now it’s just confusing why it happened.

            Buddy. You don’t even know what a ban does? I can manually visit the community. That’s it. I can’t subscribe, I can’t vote, I can’t comment or post, and I can’t edit or even delete anything.

            I have no idea what you’re referring to by my content going missing. I only had time to delete the Marisa post before my ban went live, after that I had to contact the admins to get my stuff removed several weeks later.

            if you will address your strong antagonism.

            Frankly, I’m the one who wants an apology from you! I don’t want you anywhere near something I care about. I have zero trust left in your ability to be a competent moderator of anything, and especially not something I want to participate in.

            The only way I’ll give up on making [email protected] irrelevant by replacing it with [email protected] is if you step down or acknowledge that banning me for an entire year was completely out of line, and that your given reason makes no sense whatsoever.

            Otherwise, I’ll just replace you, so I can have a Touhou community I can actually endorse. Eventually.

            I’m not opposed to automation tools, but not going to special case them in rules.

            You don’t need to.

            The core point there is that I don’t choose what I post day to day. There was no deliberate action of any kind involved when I made that Marisa post, and I didn’t manually go to danbooru and add a link to it.

            Coding it so that it tags every post rated sensitive on danbooru as NSFW will be the easiest thing ever. It just wont make sense, because then posts like this, this, this, and this, will be censored. And even then, for any images that can’t be found on danbooru, the one deciding will still be me, exactly like before. And I still have no idea how in the world anyone would consider the Marisa post NSFW.

            If that’s genuinely what you want, I’ll do it. But it WILL raise eyebrows, and guess who I’ll point to when the inevitable “why is this tagged” comments start rolling in. I know they will, because like I wrote in another comment, I actually tried doing that for like a day once, and I got four such comments.

              4 months ago

              Didn’t receive it:

              Would you even have checked the image rating

              I have reverse search extension on both phone and pc. I checked it because she was drugged up so much that she had a head pain (judging by hands position and face expression) and tear coming from her eye. Which suggests “Hard or illegal drug use”. Another reason to check your post was the previous interaction with you, where you showed of your “haha moderator” mindset and basically called me a boomer who asks women to dress up and someone who accommodates peoples with “hangups concerning the human body”. It all really seemed like an attempt to push your opinion using labels. I wasn’t insulted by it, but it made a certain impression of you.

              You made assumptions, and they were wrong

              This whole discussion kinda proves that they were right.

              If that’s genuinely what you want …

              No. I want you to fight your strong antagonism. After that I will have some hope that you won’t start doing something stupid again and will unban you without any restrictions. I will even be ok if you will continue on It will be a bit unfortunate, but, alright. I admit that your last post probably could be handled differently and there were faults in the rules, likely they are still there. Honestly, I don’t think you deserve any apologies, though I’m not asking for any from you too.

              • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
                4 months ago

                Also, in light of most of my DMs apparently being eaten by federation issues, I’ll drop and retract the animosity. I’m sorry about that.

                In return, I expect you to acknowledge that I did in fact attempt to reach you cordially.

                My criticism of your policies and actions stands, however.

                And, I was hardly referring to your assumptions about my charachter, but rather your assumption that my violation of any rules was at any point intentional. Which again, considering I do not actively choose what to post at any given minute, can’t possibly be the case.

              • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
                4 months ago

                I moderate over a dozen communities. You seriously think I have a “Haha moderator” mindset? Again. I wasn’t fibbing that I will unconditionally obey admins and moderators. Even if you made complaining against the rules, I’d comply.

                And what you seem to be saying, is that you did take it personally?

                That you did in fact allow it to affect your image of me in a way that made you to more rash, less considered, and potentially unfair in taking action against me?

                I did not call you anything. I pointed out that your logic has parallel’s with some mysoginistic ways of thinking. Am I wrong? Maybe.

                You’re free to think so, but if you want to change my mind on it, you’ll have to explain why. In fact, to disagree with someone, you should be able to explain that to yourself in a way that would convince most people.

                And what was I supposed to do? Not explain why I thought your policy and that particular decision was too much in my view? You felt I tried to force something, but how can mere words do that? A user cannot force a moderator to do anything, except by convincing them. So I put my qualms into words. If you took offence, that was entirely unintended.

                If you found yourself unable to dismantle my argument… Then I don’t know what to tell you. That’s the feeling you get when someone is trying to change your mind, and you haven’t figured out why they’re wrong yet. And if theyre right, you won’t ever figure it out (unless you opt to delude yourself, which I don’t think you’re the type to do).

                Head pain? Drug use?

                The artist has depicted complicated emotion, inspired by the song Hello, my friend. It’s right there in the danbooru artist commentary.

                I think it is beautiful, but you say it’s obscene?!

                And if you do genuinely find it obscene, why would you need to check the danbooru rating? Why do you defer to some random moderator on an image board if you yourself or your users have perfectly functioning senses of judgement?

                Your new rules are far more sane, but you needed to be enforcing things like the words “rule of thumb” already meant something from the get-go. When telling users to edit their posts, tell them to do so because YOU think they should, not because some inconsistent third party arbitrarily says so. The former feels like a request to respect your sensibilities. The latter comes off as you being a stickler for pointless technicalities, and is therefore abrasive.

                The trouble with art, is that it isn’t objective. Yet you refuse to have a discussion about where the averages of everyone in a group lies. You offload the work of evaluation to a fallible third party in danbooru, and you justify things retroactively with subjective interpretations that don’t even account for artist intent. And you clearly ignore other people voting on the points you and I make.

                  4 months ago

                  Not sure what are you trying to prove by saying how many communities you moderate. Peoples being against the group they belong to isn’t something surprising. Also constructing an opinion about a person judging by their actions is just an obvious way to do that imo.

                  What you did is just put a label on me, because in most cases it’s so easy, these label have strong associations and lift the responsibility of actually proving your point. I would like you explain where the “misogyny” starts and ends. Is that Youmu post located beside or far from the border on a “good” side? Or where is this border located? Naked photos are probably located on a NSFW side. If you apply dichotomy (though I don’t think NSFW-ness of pictures can always be compared with each other) you will approach to your own border. Whatever it will be, there will be someone to accuse you of something, like cultures that believe display of a feet being inappropriate. I’m not here to judge them or you disagreeing with them. Maybe the least controversial way is to say that person should be free to decide what they want to wear and which photos to make, not be ashamed of their body, but it’s completely useless in this situation.

                  Artist commentary is a line from this song: link. Where Marisa gets drugged on mushrooms and goes to Rinnosuke’s home. Words on the picture “I send up the scream”, indicate her screaming at the end because how wrecked she was. But even without this context it’s clear what’s happening here. Touhou lore also says that she leaves in a magic forest full of hallucinogenic or dangerous to human shrooms, which makes fanon of Marisa doing drugs isn’t something far distant from canon.

                  I check danbooru because I don’t believe in superiority of my opinion, which I believe is completely ok. I already admitted that your last post could be handled differently and explained reason of your ban at that time. At that point you just kicking a dead horse. And the average pretty much lies in the probably biggest tagged and rated image collection on the internet (tho with flaws which I will try to patch out), which can be conveniently consulted. And I see no reason why Touhou at LW or any other community have to conform with your “dozen communities” at If I did invest into making a lot of communities with my set of rules, maybe not even based on danbooru, it wouldn’t be a valid reason for everyone to go with that too. But not completely unreasonable too.

              • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
                4 months ago

                And let me explain what I mean when I say that your response was out of line.

                As moderators, our task is to enact and enforce rules. But enforcement doesn’t just mean deleting any and all offenders. We want to be as welcoming as possible while still not allowing the rules to be bent significantly out of true.

                This means applying logic in our actions, doing things that are likely to modify behavior towards the ideal, so that near-compliance can become compliance, instead of lost activity.

                You applied a ban so long, it will be EASIER for me to just supplant your community entirely, rather than wait it out and come back with improved behaviour.

        4 months ago

        I mean he did break the rule (unintentionally but Mods should not ban him. Just tell him to mark as NSFW and If he didn’t have done that then just remove the post.

            4 months ago

            Not Exactly NSFW but rating is sensetive on Danbooru.

            Also @[email protected] remember break rule unintentionally. So, in the end it doesn’t matter.

              4 months ago

              OK but sensitive rating on another website doesn’t mean it objectively is.

              Especially because the rule is about sexual content not a sensitive rating for blood on a knife that isn’t in focus.

                • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyzM
                  4 months ago

                  That was never the rule. The stated guideline merely requested posters use the same definitions as danbooru (which accounts for the fact that not everything is actually rated correctly, or at all, since image boards can make mistakes, and don’t contain every image that exists).

                  But that is not how it was enforced in my case.

                  As such I deleted my post and said I would stop posting, as the way @[email protected] was enforcing the rules made no sense.

                  In response, I was banned.

          4 months ago

          You don’t behave like the typical reddit mod from what I have seen.

          The behavior in question is reddit mod territory.